• Working Mom

    Adventures of a Working Mom: The Intro

    Tweet The other day I was driving and lamenting to myself about something..I honestly can’t remember what it was at this point and in the grand scheme of life, I am sure it was petty.  In the course of my internal wrestling, I realized how much I missed writing. Becoming a mom certainly changed my entire life (more on that to come..) and I realized I missed this little corner of my world. I abandoned it for a while because I felt I had nothing to say. My former adventurous, traveling the world life has been replaced with a job in corporate America and I often found myself struggling to…

  • Life Inspiration


    Tweet Tomorrow my really good friend Micah is shipping out to the Navy in hopes of someday becoming a Navy SEAL. And I decided I hate it when people leave–this has happened a lot in my life in the past two years and I know it is only an indication of what is to come, but that doesn’t take away the sting. As I sit here, my mind is flooded with memories and I can’t help but wonder when I will see him again. I know in everything God has a plan and I know that there is nothing Micah would rather be doing. He’s ready to go and I…

  • Life Adventures

    Senior Trip ’05

    Tweet Deserves a book, not just a post..but since I only have a post and limited time this will have to do. First of all, I just have to say I love my class! They are seriously some of the coolest people you will ever meet. I got to know a lot of them a lot better and it was awesome. Things you never knew about people until you live with them or spend 12 hours on a bus with them. I also must say I am going to miss them so much next year..it’s hard to think we are graduating soon and never again will I see all of…

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    Friends Are A Blessing

    Tweet Have you ever taken a moment to ponder the blessings of God? Taken a minute to see how truly rich we are. Honestly, I had an awful day today..I felt horrible and have made some decisions that have put me in several rough situations. But I was walking out from school and after chatting with one of my friends for a minute, I realized how blessed I am. I have a school that rocks..I have teachers that actually care, which means a lot. And I have the most amazing set of friends..yeah, we go through the ups and the downs..but they always seem to forgive and forget..and are always…

  • Life Inspiration


    Tweet To Eve- I have to say dear Eve, I love you more then anything. You always care and give Godly advice Your words bring smiles to my face and oh the fun we have Good-will trips, cheerleading, and I could go on SMITE is going to be so much fun.. Thanks for always being there Bosom friends forever and ever

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    Tweet Sarah I’m dedicating this post to Sarah G..no last names for security sake. I love her! She is always there to listen and share advice. I so much enjoy our 7th hour talks and have been so blessed to have her in my class the past 5 years. I remember all the fun times at her house..I still remember your broadway dance:) (although you probably don’t) I’m so glad you are my friend and I will always remember you! Thanks for being there and for always listening. Thanks for sharing the babysitting with me! As you continue to grow, always keep your love for God! It’s a constant encouragement…

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    Tweet I have to say I love all my friends..each and every one of you hold a special place in my life! You have all been there and have challenged me to grow and change. Although we may have had our rough moments, you have truly shown me the meaning of sticking with things. You have forgiven me and shown me that I too must also forgive. I have learned something from watching each one of you and have realized how truly blessed I am to be surrounded by so many Godly friends. My junior class..I love you! Seeing how much we have grown up has been a journey. I…

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    Guys and Girlfriends

    Tweet Guys and Girlfriends.. If there is one thing in this world that doesn’t mix it’s guys and girlfriends. I have been on both ends of this..and I can tell you, no matter how many promises you make, they don’t mix. “I’d never choose a guy over you they say” and I have in fact said this myself. But once you start to like a guy and find the feeling is mutual, things are never the same. Oh, they may think it is..but the only thing they talk about is this guy. And instead of wanting to hang out with you on their open Friday nights, they want to hang…

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    Tweet Friends.. This week is exam week, and that means half days or 1/4 of days! Today I finished school at 9:20..and Eve came home with me for a bit. We are crazy silly together..and so that was fun! A smoothie and some jibberish later we went back to school to get Brittany and Taylor. We went to Culver’s to eat..fun times again! We came back to the school again..something your not supposed to do!:) Kelly, Eve and I headed off to the mall..broke. But we had so much fun..it was good to be able to just have fun and not worry about the rest of life. We tried on…

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    To my dear junior Cheerleading buddies

    Tweet To my dear junior Cheerleading buddies..nothing against Erin or Danielle..I love you both! Kayla-I am so super glad you came to Faith! You have become one of my closest friends and I am so thankful for you. Thanks for listening and for talking..I know I can always count on you for a laugh and for a serious conversation. Good luck with your “friend”, I know things will work out. Don’t ever doubt yourself. Sometimes I really hate cheerleading, but you always seem to make it seem all right. Thanks again for all you do..and I can’t wait for the next year and a half..it’s gonna be a blast! Finish…