
To my dear junior Cheerleading buddies

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To my dear junior Cheerleading buddies..nothing against Erin or Danielle..I love you both!

Kayla-I am so super glad you came to Faith! You have become one of my closest friends and I am so thankful for you. Thanks for listening and for talking..I know I can always count on you for a laugh and for a serious conversation. Good luck with your “friend”, I know things will work out. Don’t ever doubt yourself. Sometimes I really hate cheerleading, but you always seem to make it seem all right. Thanks again for all you do..and I can’t wait for the next year and a half..it’s gonna be a blast! Finish out our junior year and then we’re gonna be big seniors! Keep smiling and don’t drink apple juice-it does weird things to you! I’m praying for you girl..I love you so much.

Eve-Although I have several blogs about you, this one is devoted to cheerleading. Thanks for doing it..I think I would have given up long ago if not for your “but she’s cute..” comments. You have inspired me and have become one good cheerleader:) And if not for your amazing sweet spirit, and desire to serve God I would probably hate you for it..but I love you..and just because your a better cheerleader aint gonna change that! Thanks for being my friend and for all the laughs..I will never forget the memories..Praying for you!!

I just gotta say..Juniors are pretty cool!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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