• Working Mom

    10 Things for 10 weeks…

    Tweet ..left that is:) Yes, this week, I hit the 30 week mark! Hard to believe there are only 10 (!) weeks or so left in this journey.  I have a feeling it might be ten long weeks if we get a typical Southern IN summer, but thank goodness for air conditioning, fans, and maxi dresses. Here a few thoughts running through my head these days.. well, aside from trying to remember the milk goes in the fridge, not the pantry! Also, that’s the best picture you are going to get this blog post. After way too many tries, we quit.  I love this dress-I got it on a super…

  • Working Mom

    Hello Third Trimester

    Tweet Did I just write that? THIRD TRIMESTER. I am so not ready for this. The countdown is on until we get to finally meet our little guy who seems to enjoy head butting and kicking me. I am not sure if I am excited or nervous or scared. I think at times I am all of those feelings and sometimes I am still sitting here staring at my belly in disbelief.  My brain is not working quite right these days, I am blaming it on this lovely term “pregnancy brain” which I am not sure actually exists, but I will use it as my excuse.  As such, eloquent thoughts…

  • Working Mom

    25 Weeks…and 25 bathroom trips

    Tweet Earlier in 2015, I had every intention of blogging more often. And in all reality, I have countless half-written or completely written blogs saved in my drafts folder. I just never seem to feel confident enough about them to actually getting around to hitting the publish button. Ironically, given the sad number of readers I have, I probably should not worry about this so much.  (I love you all by the way and when you do comment or e-mail it makes my day!)  So as a feeble attempt to make up for lost time, I am going to try to blog a little more often about the remainder of…

  • Working Mom

    20 Weeks!

    Tweet We hit the illustrious half-way mark!  Yes folks, we are 20 weeks pregnant. Forgive my less-than-Pinterest worthy photo,  but there is a small baby bump there! According to my pregnancy apps, we have a mango or a small cantaloupe in there this week.  I think I have a tiny boxer in there considering the extent to which this little thing kicks and hits me. It’s hard to believe its been 20 weeks since we found out. And I will admit, it has taken 20 weeks for me to finally be excited.  I told my friend the other day, this is the first week I am actually really getting excited…

  • Uncategorized

    First Kicks

    Tweet The other night we were sitting on the couch and it happened… there was an undeniable kick.  In fact, I could actually see my stomach move.  I thought I had felt the baby move in the few days prior, but this time there was no other way to explain it. The  baby was kicking me.  I may or may not have cried.   Four months ago, if you had told me feeling the tiny kick of the little baby inside of me would move me tears, I would have laughed in your face. I am not typically super sentimental and I had no intentions of becoming a mom right…

  • Life Inspiration

    Reflecting on One Year

    Tweet Some days life seems to crawl by and others it seems like I can’t keep track of where the days went. For example, we are celebrating one year of marriage on March 15th. While a year is nothing super monumental, I can hardly believe we have been married a year.  It seems like just yesterday I was tying up loose ends regarding DJs, flowers, and wedding food.  And while this year has had its share of challenges, I can honestly say, one year later, I am more in love and more proud of my husband. We jumped head first into marriage, ministry, and life together.  Through this, God has…

  • Faith

    Give In to the One Who Gave it All

    Tweet Lent is one of those interesting times in the life of the church.  You have people from all ends of the religious spectrum-Catholic, conservative, to contemporary-who celebrate the season in a myriad of ways. Some people deny themselves something, some take the time to reflect, and there is a growing trend of participating in acts of kindness or justice.   Personally, I tend to vary in my approach to lent. In past years, I have sacrificed something, participated in acts of justice studies, and done nothing.  As I head into this Lenten season, my heart and mind are struggling in the world of balancing life, preparing to enter parenthood,…

  • Working Mom

    My Newest Adventure

    Tweet Drumroll please….   …motherhood!    Yes, you read that right. My newest adventure in this crazy life is transitioning from wife to mom.  For the record, this was totally God’s plan and not mine, so I have had to spend a lot of time praying and trusting His plans are higher than my plans.  After a 12 week battle with constant nausea and exhaustion, I am finally starting to feel like a normal person again. Oh, except for the small fact there is another person inside of me.  I am convinced you never get used to that idea. Also, the not-sleeping-through-the-night, peeing every hour, mood swings, and having weird…

  • Faith

    A Journey in Generosity

    Tweet Our campus pastor challenged us to be more open with our giving stories. I think this was a mini-ploy to help him convince the members of our church tithing was a good thing, but it still caused me to reflect back over my giving journey. To begin, I have to give my parents major credit for this area of my life. They have always modeled giving for us. Even when things got tough, the church always got 10%. My mom raised us to believe if we wanted something, we just needed to pray about it. I will admit, this may not always be the best parenting strategy, but on…

  • Community

    Presence in an Unlikely Place

    Tweet In the crazy, busy, over-committed, and hyper media world we live in, I think we have lost the value in presence.  The dictionary defines it as “the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing.”  We might call it just being there.  I think for many of us we get too wrapped up in life and we forget sometimes the thing people need the most is just us.  They just need us to sit and listen or invite us into the craziness.  I have this dear friend who used to just let me come over and hang out.  She never cleaned her house…