• Working Mom

    Working Mom Essential: A Meal Plan

    Tweet Long before I got pregnant, I worked really hard at cleaning up our diet.  I started researching food chains, ingredients, products, and healthy eating. I doubled my grocery shopping time because I started reading each and every label.  It’s been a slow process. And we are still by no means perfect.  (if you open my freezer, you will find two pints of Ben and Jerry’s because sometimes you just need ice cream)  After I made it through the first trimester and actually started to feel like eating again, I was meticulous about what I ate because what I ate, the baby ate.  But for all the planning and preparing,…

  • Community

    Why #boycottTarget is Not the Issue

    Tweet #boycottTarget If you pay any attention to social media, you have seen the #boycottTarget hashtag. Petitions are being formed and hundreds of thousands are flocking to sign them. I have seen flyers circulating telling people to stop shopping at Target, to call your local store manager and express your disappointment, to stand out front and make your voice known, and even one which suggested printing more and hanging them in your church. Normally I like to shy away from political things. I would rather write about sunshine and unicorns than anything politically popular, but sometimes something just strikes a chord in me so today I have to add my…

  • Working Mom

    The One Bag Essential To All Working Moms

    Tweet On Friday’s, I am going to try to give you a review of some of my favorite products. My goal is to mostly highlight gear helpful to working moms, but I will probably throw in a baby item here or there because that is what mostly consumes my life outside of work.  For this first post, I have to write about the one product I believe is essential for any working mom-the most amazing Sarah Wells Bags. After a week back to work, I realized quickly something had to change. I was lugging 3 or 4 bags with me everyday- my gym bag, a pumping bag, a work bag,…

  • Working Mom

    The First Day

    Tweet We found a wonderful daycare. I started searching before I even told anyone I was pregnant because around here, the waiting lists for infant daycare are months long. Typically you find one, put your name on a list, and then call and be as annoying as possible until you secure a spot. This is not me. And so, when I found a daycare I liked and they also promised me they would have a spot and I didn’t have to call back until H was here, I was overjoyed.  The Friday before the first day, I went up to the daycare and spent way too long in H’s room…

  • Working Mom

    The Faint Line

    Tweet To catch you up to my current life, I have to go back a little. It all began with one faint line. Ok, well, it began before that, but this is not a lesson in human biology. After one faint line, I went and bought a pregnancy test that declared you pregnant or not pregnant just to be sure. Yep. Pregnant. In your late 20s, this is an acceptable thing. Especially if you are married.  And especially if you live in southern Indiana. In fact, I was late to the baby game. Several of my friends were on number 3 or 4. But the faint line was not my…

  • Working Mom

    Adventures of a Working Mom: The Intro

    Tweet The other day I was driving and lamenting to myself about something..I honestly can’t remember what it was at this point and in the grand scheme of life, I am sure it was petty.  In the course of my internal wrestling, I realized how much I missed writing. Becoming a mom certainly changed my entire life (more on that to come..) and I realized I missed this little corner of my world. I abandoned it for a while because I felt I had nothing to say. My former adventurous, traveling the world life has been replaced with a job in corporate America and I often found myself struggling to…

  • Faith

    2015: The Year of Patience

    Tweet This time last year, I was considering my resolutions for 2015 and rather than a list of things I wanted to accomplish, I chose a word. Ironically the word was patience. Somewhere along the year, I lost track of my word, however, my word never lost track of me. This was a year of patience. The definition I used last year was quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence. I can definitely see those themes woven throughout the year, even when I may not have even realized it. Perhaps because I was pregnant a good chunk of the year, patience was consistently a theme. Growing a baby is a slow process. And our sweet little guy…

  • Working Mom

    One Last Update..

    Tweet I am officially due in 4 days.  Several of my co-workers stop by each morning to check in and see if I am still here. When I see other friends they ask, “are you still pregnant?” (if the belly wasn’t a dead giveaway, I am not sure what else would clue you in) In their defense, two weeks ago I told them I could have the baby any day after a different doctor seemed convinced our little guy was going to come that day. He was all like, “have you packed? installed the car seat?” and I was like “nope, I have three weeks left and my doctor doesn’t…

  • Faith

    Called to Heart Ache

    Tweet Seven months ago I stepped into a local strip club for the first time. Unprepared and unsure of what would happen next, we went and simply asked if it we could keep coming to support the girls who work there.  I believe with my whole heart Jesus loves them and His love compelled us to go. While I believe God can open any door He feels like, I was still a little surprised when we were met with excitement and an absolute yes. In fact, the #1 question I get when I talk about our ministry is “what do the club owners think?” And honestly, I can’t explain it.…

  • Working Mom

    35 weeks.. 35 days to go..

    Tweet This week, I started to feel pregnant. I mean, uncomfortable pregnant.  On Sunday I got so hot I thought I might pass out.  Mind you, it wasn’t super hot, but my body has lost all ability to control its own temperature. Then I must have gotten an awful leg cramp at some point because on Saturday and Sunday I limped around looking pathetic because it hurt so bad.  Yesterday I got up and when I tried to lay back down, the baby had wedged himself into the most uncomfortable position possible. I just sat in bed at 5am debating on whether to just get up or try to poke…