Working Mom

25 Weeks…and 25 bathroom trips

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Earlier in 2015, I had every intention of blogging more often. And in all reality, I have countless half-written or completely written blogs saved in my drafts folder. I just never seem to feel confident enough about them to actually getting around to hitting the publish button. Ironically, given the sad number of readers I have, I probably should not worry about this so much.  (I love you all by the way and when you do comment or e-mail it makes my day!)  So as a feeble attempt to make up for lost time, I am going to try to blog a little more often about the remainder of my pregnancy and perhaps sprinkle in a few thoughts about life here and there.

A few days ago, I printed off a week-by-week by trimester guide from a blog I like to read.  I clicked on the one for second trimester and as I looked at the table of contents, I realized I actually only needed the last few pages of the document. In an instant, I froze. How is it even possible I am almost in my third trimester? I feel like just yesterday I was walking around with this enormous secret.  And now, I finally get random strangers stopping to say congrats and ask when am I due. Score for not looking fat anymore:)

The second trimester has brought on all types of new changes. An insatiable appetite being one of them. I seriously can.not.stop.eating.  Thankfully, I keep mostly healthy food around so it’s not all bad. And if my co-workers ever get hungry, I basically have a grocery store at my desk. I just figure this little guy needs some extra calories. Given the flips he turns and the way he seems to be trying to bust out of my stomach with his feet, it’s no wonder I am hungry all the time.  Also fun, he seems to be sitting exactly on top of my bladder.  Thus, not only am I trying to drink extra water, I am also getting lots of extra steps in due my constant walks to and from the bathroom. And I have been told this only gets worse, I think by the third trimester I  may just move my computer into the stall. lol.  🙂

Officially I have outgrown almost all of my clothes. Logically, this should make getting dressed in the morning quick, but alas, I still stand there debating between the  few outfits I have.  Thankfully I can just blame pregnancy brain on the fact I may or may not have already worn that shirt this week.  Maternity clothes are sold to a captive audience thus they don’t ever have to go on sale, even if they are twenty-three seasons out of style. I am thankful I have amazing friends who have loaned my clothes and I am still determined to bargain shop so the few clothes I have purchased have been sorta on sale.

Perhaps I will include some more serious thoughts later, but for now, the water I drank ten minutes ago has already hit my bladder.  Love to you all!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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