Working Mom

Hello Third Trimester

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27wksDid I just write that? THIRD TRIMESTER. I am so not ready for this. The countdown is on until we get to finally meet our little guy who seems to enjoy head butting and kicking me. I am not sure if I am excited or nervous or scared. I think at times I am all of those feelings and sometimes I am still sitting here staring at my belly in disbelief.  My brain is not working quite right these days, I am blaming it on this lovely term “pregnancy brain” which I am not sure actually exists, but I will use it as my excuse.  As such, eloquent thoughts just aren’t flowing through my fingers, so instead you get a few musings on my current state of affairs.

Welcome to week 27!


First off, I would like to know where all of my “thick, beautiful hair” is because apparently my body took pregnancy to mean “oily, not-growing hair.” Haven’t cut my bangs in months and they have stayed in the exact same spot. Wonderful when I am trying to go them out. Also, I seriously could wash my hair every two hours and it probably still wouldn’t look clean. Hello cute bun-you are my new favorite friend!


The nursery is almost finished. Which is good because I am about to start nesting in overdrive. I have already made a mental list of the cabinets I want to clean out and have bought fabric for some projects I have wonderful intentions of completing.  We finished painting and put the dresser and rocker in the baby’s room and holy.cow. this little guy takes up a lot of room. But I LOVE it. The shopaholic side of me is in heaven. (don’t worry, our Dave Ramsey budget is mostly in tact and I have found a new love for garage sales) And my husband keeps me in line which I need because otherwise, every cute outfit I see screams “buy me.” I am practicing a lot of self-control and am pretty proud of myself.


I still hate vegetables. I have resorted to masking kale with as much other stuff as I can in my morning smoothies and forcing down something green at dinner. But really, I just want chocolate or pie or ice cream.  I have done enough research on nutrition and baby development to know those are really not helpful in growing a baby, but why oh why do they sound so good??   I wouldn’t even say I have had any super major cravings at this point, just a general desire for things unhealthy. A desire I mostly ignore unless it Mother’s Day and then I make two pies and take home the leftovers because I can. And because it’s Mother’s Day. (also because I passed my glucose test:))


Through work, I got an activity tracker and it beeps at you every hour if you haven’t moved. Thankfully, I rarely have this problem as my current bladder capacity is resting at about 45 minutes. The tracker has been helpful to keep me moving, taking the stairs, and walking the dog.  It also tracks my sleep which is becoming less like a flat line and more like a roller coaster.  Up, Down, Up, Down. I can’t roll over without waking up. I can’t wake up without my bladder reminding me it is well past it’s 45 minutes capacity limit. So goes our nightly fun! I just keep reminding myself this is good preparation for what is about to happen.


We starting taking birth classes and I made my pre-admission appointment at the hospital. I feel like life is spinning by 100 miles an hour and I am trying to keep up.  In this area of life, this pregnancy has been a blessing. It is helping me to slow down. I skipped a meeting last week because I was tired and my feet hurt and I just wanted to go home and sit on the couch.  So I did. 6 months ago I would have forced myself to go, but today I am allowing myself some grace. I am giving myself the space I need to rest, to relax, and to adjust to the changes about to take place in our lives.  I am savoring every minute I can with my dear husband and learning to be ok with the fact I just can’t do it all (I never could, but I liked to entertain that thought).


As I enter the last trimester, my goal is simple-enjoy it. All too soon, our little guy will be here and we will be parents managing diaper changes and late-night feedings. But he isn’t here yet. And this time will be gone before I even realize it.  So if I am MIA from a meeting or a social event, know I still love you and care about your cause, but for right now, I may just need to prop my feet up and snuggle next to my husband in front of some lame TV show.



aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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