
The Hadassah Group

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It has been a whirlwind of a few weeks and my poor blog has been neglected to say the least.  Usually writing is an outlet for stress, but lately I have been trying to spend more time reading my Bible and writing in my journal so this writing got pushed to the back burner.   I have also been experimenting with eating healthier which is a fun adventure all in itself (more on that later).  What I really want to share with you today is a vision finally turning into a reality!  (can we all take a deep breath first?)

Two years ago I first read about an organization in Louisville called Scarlet Hope.  I fell in love.  With the ministry, the vision, the idea.  They are doing something most people would think is CRAZY.  They are bringing the hope and love of Jesus to the local strip clubs-a place full of broken dreams, hurting women, and darkness.  Over a meal, a small group would share their lives with women while they were getting ready for their shift at the club. It was not about church, it was about Jesus and His radical love. So I began secretly dreaming, praying, and scheming about what this would look like in my community.  At the same time, I was working on a master’s degree, planning a wedding, and switching jobs.  Not the ideal time to birth a huge vision for changing the community.  (especially when the demons in your head keep telling you it’s impossible and people will think you are crazy)


Almost a year ago, I shared the vision with my now husband. I figured if we were going to get married, he should know what he was getting himself into and I needed his support.  His response was to buy me plates and napkins for my birthday. I cried.  From there I started talking to a few people in my life who would become partners in the ministry and supporters of the vision. They would stand beside and behind me as we moved forward, encouraging me each step of the way. They have become best friends, mentors, and coaches. Women I talk to almost daily.

After a lot of planning, praying, training, and long conversations, The Hadassah Group was born.  The mission is simple-to share the hope and freedom found in Christ with local women working in the sex industry.  Three other women and I have traveled to other ministries, gone to training, and spent a lot of time praying and dreaming over this.  Tomorrow night we have our first “official” meeting.  The first meeting where we actually invited people and created some social media buzz about it.

I have to admit, fear mixed with a whole lot of excitement, is probably the most adequate way to describe my feelings right now. My heart is broken for this ministry and I want nothing more than to see other people capture the vision.   I also know it is not in my hands whether this succeeds. I have to do the work, but I ultimately have to trust the One who called.

If you would like to join the ministry or learn more, feel free to comment on here or send an e-mail to  or if you are local, come to WIRED Coffeehouse tomorrow (9/17) at 6:00pm to learn more.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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