Life Adventures

Running and Sunning

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So week three is down! Hard to believe we are heading into week four and that I have been here for almost six weeks. It feels much longer than that. I believe this is one of the few places in the world where time moves much slower. Perhaps it is because the weather is exactly the same everyday. Literally, it’s always around 85 and sunny and usually it rains at least once throughout the day. Everyday. Same thing. Which is amazing honestly because I hate cold weather so I am not at all complaining. It stays this way year round too which is even better.

I do not have a car in Saipan which I love because driving is among my least favorite activities. But because of that, I walk a lot. For example, yesterday, I walked to a local farmers market, ran 3.5 miles, walked to the beach, walked to a restaurant for lunch, walked to a pool, and walked to a different restaurant for dinner. Whew..makes me tired typing it out. Although, I should note that in all of that I probably only walked a little over 2 miles not counting my run. I notice that when I walk, I pay attention to so much more. I notice the trees and the flowers and the people and the buildings and of course, the ocean. Yesterday, I was just reminded once again of the creative God we serve. Everything was beautiful and as I was running, you could see at least three different colors in the ocean water. It was breathtaking.
After my run, I spent the rest of the day hanging out in the sun. We didn’t have power most of the day, so outside it was. Thank goodness it didn’t rain! I read some more of my book and spent the day relaxing. An art form I am slowly learning to enjoy. Relaxing.
But time to run! Write later.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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