Life Adventures

Forbidden Island

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So today we hiked to Forbidden Island. Aptly named because the locals believe that there are spirits living there and therefore will not go near it Although I believe it should have that name because of the hike to get there! My legs are going to be sore tomorrow! However, it was so worth it. We hiked down the side of a mountain basically..if you can imagine a mountain on and island..and then ended up at this small collection of caves and pools that you can swim and snorkel in. First of all, we hiked back into this cave and found a small pool of water you could swim in and another small pool filled with sea urchins! So cool-kinda scary, but cool. You can’t swim there because sea urchins can puncture through shoes! Then we hiked back out to this small pool where you can snorkel. First, I decided that an underwater camera may be my next purchase. I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful the fish were. And how many different kinds-I don’t think I have ever seen that many different kinds of fish..except at an aquarium. They were beautiful. It made me realize how creative of a God I serve. That He would create all these different beautiful fish. and as I sat in awe of the fish I looked around and saw a group of people-as different as you can imagine, all coming together to stand in awe of God’s creation. It was a beautiful picture.
All of these experiences just draw me closer into the amazing God we serve. As I stand in awe of His creation, I can’t help but think that I want to praise Him with everything in me. Because truly, sometimes I feel that I can hear the rocks crying out. So may my voice be louder than the rocks and may God have all the glory as I explore His amazing creation!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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