
wow..it’s been awhile..

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so everyone has probably stopped reading this by now..heck, I would have long ago. but I know it’s been so long since I have written. It’s funny how you go through stages in your life..I used to keep a journal every day and the I switched to writing in my blog and then I found a friend with whom I shared everything..and now I am back to blogging. At least for today. I missed it..this old blog and me have had many memories together.

so I finished my first year of college..can you believe it?! I did it! I am no longer a college freshman. it’s crazy to think about that I am going to be a sophomore in college..I am going to turn 20 in December..20!! that is insane. I remember yesterday being in 7th grade and thinking it was going to be an eternity till I got my liscense. it was a good first year of college. Not a great one..but not awful for the most part. it was HARD> really hard. something I was definately not prepared for. But God is faithful. He showed me how His strength is the only thing that will get me through life. He proved to me time and time again that He is protecting me even when I am being stupid. And He showed me how the people in my life are there so I can minister to and learn from..not judge or turn away. I have so many memories from this year..and I have to say God blessed me with the most amazing roommates in the world!! They have become some of my closest friends and I am thinking might end up as bridesmaids someday..:) although that opens a whole different can of worms..one I will leave for a different time..for now, just know I am no where close to wanting to get married nor are there any guys on the horizon. I know the right guy is out there somewhere..one crazy enough for me..and God will bring him into my life at exactly the right time.

what else..I joined a sorority this year..that was a blast! I love my new sisters with everything in me..they are my mission field. God gave me a field white for the harvest and is giving me the strength and wisdom to know how to harvest it and how to share His love with them. It has been amazing.

I still have no idea what to do with my life..I was so sure before I came to college..now I am utterly lost. I know I want to go to Africa and I want to adopt a baby girl from China and I want to help people who can’t help themselves..but how to accomplish all that is still out of my reach. I am praying for God to open doors and lead me in the right direction as far as majors, summer plans, future plans etc. I know He has a plan for my life and I can’t wait to see what it is.

well, I have turned into an old lady this summer and am about to head to bed..yes, it is 9:43 and I am getting ready to head to bed. I know, it’s sad..but what can I say..all my nights of staying up till 3 and 4 in the morning are catching up to me!:)

thanks for listening to my ramblings..I will try and update this more often! if anyone still reads this..I love ya!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea


  • brit

    amanda…i'm so happy to read this. hasn't this past year been amazing? i actually thought about writing on my blog, but i don't think anyone will actually read it, so i won't. but anyway, i love you amanda and i think you are an amazing person and i really wish i could see you soon!

  • Nata

    don't you worry! i think i remember seeing several times in the Bible where God says something along the lines of "I've got big plans for you!"

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