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    Tweet I don’t know how I am going to survive this week..it’s 4:30 Monday and I am physically and emotionally drained and I have probably the most hectic week I have had since I came to college. Hopefully I will see you on the other side..

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    Tweet I am sitting here in our computer lab because I can’t get into my room..yeah, I know–weird concept huh? but oh well..that’s part of going to a public college. (for those of you completely lost, it’s ok..) Funny how life is sometimes..you get going on this major high and then all of a sudden it’s like crash and burn. Although I haven’t crashed and burned..I can see it in some of my friends and it saddens me greatly. And even in my own life, I can see areas where I have made compromises and done things that are definately in the gray area. But that’s part of growing up,…

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    Tweet So much has happened lately and I have had zero time to write about any of it. As it is, I am doing this when I am supposed to be doing a language lab for my Spanish class and I should be studying for the huge test we have on Thursday. But no, I am writing in my blog because the poor thing has been neglected as of late. As I wrote in my previous post, I am Greek! That’s right–I, Amanda, joined a sorority. Now, I know you are all automatically thinking horrible thoughts about me–but please don’t. Sororities are not all bad, in fact mine is amazing.…

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    So sorry

    Tweet To my fellow blogger friends, I am so sorry I have not written anything lately. Life got crazy and none of it was bloggable material. (I don’t even know if that is a word..but oh well) It has somewhat smoothed out. So here I am in my third week of college! It is amazing!! Everyday I meet new people and make more friends and find that I am slowly getting a little less homesick and a little more excited about USI. Let me see if I can get you a little caught up on my life. I am not taking any exciting classes, all general ed. classes which are…

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    Never a Dull Moment

    Tweet That’s how the first few days of college have been! It’s stormed so much-the tornado alarm went off one night. It was crazy and it looks like it’s going to rain again. And then just a few minutes ago the fire alarm went off in our building so we all had to go sit on the sidewalk for twenty minutes cuz some kid burnt his popcorn and the firetrucks and security came..it was crazy! Had my first day of classes today-it was alright. I like some of my profs, and some of them I don’t..but all in all it was a good day.. Now I am going to go…

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    So Sorry

    Tweet I am so sorry I haven’t posted anything serious in so long–so much has happened this summer and I haven’t felt like blogging about any of it. But I am sitting here delaying a much needed shower so I can blog some thoughts. (I ran through the pouring rain last night and was dripping wet by the time I got home so my hair is a mess:) ) I am off to college on Wednesday! I am so excited!! I honestly can’t wait to get away from here. Not that I am not going to miss my friends because I am..terribly. But I am looking forward to a fresh…

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    Guess What?!

    Tweet I got a new car!! I am so excited–after driving my lovely jeep for three years-I am finally getting something that goes over 85 and gets better gas mileage!! It’s a 2000 Ford Focus-the hatchback one and it’s green! more later..

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    the bug..

    Tweet I got it..the “I just want to get married” bug. For the past two days me and one of my friends have spent two hours looking at engagement rings! And I decided I just want to get married!! Or actually, I just want a big rock on my finger:) just kidding..but in all reality I have caught the bug.. on a different note, I will be back to blogging soon..life took some unexpected turns and my thougts aren’t coherent enough to blog about yet.. love ya allamanda

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    Tweet I think if you go to my archives somewhere I have a post entitled “?confused?”..but alas that is where I am once again. I don’t know what I am doing or what I want to do and most importantly what God wants me to do. Ever since I have graduated I have had this desire to get into youth ministry. I want to be a youth leader or a coach or something that gets me interacting with teens. I mean, I am still a teen myself, but I want them to realize how much of an impact what they are doing has on others and on themselves both now…

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    Before the internet..

    Tweet Life had to be simpler. And easier to work on things like patience. When we didn’t have cell phones and e-mail and you couldn’t get ahold of someone it was ok. You just left a message or waited until they got home. Now if you can’t reach someone you get irritated, impatient, and in my case, mad at them. Is it really their fault that even though they are reachable through cell phone, e-mail, and phone that I can’t reach them? And why is it so important that I talk to them. Does it show my dependence on others? And my lack of dependence on God..YES. I want that…