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I am sitting here in our computer lab because I can’t get into my room..yeah, I know–weird concept huh? but oh well..that’s part of going to a public college. (for those of you completely lost, it’s ok..) Funny how life is sometimes..you get going on this major high and then all of a sudden it’s like crash and burn. Although I haven’t crashed and burned..I can see it in some of my friends and it saddens me greatly. And even in my own life, I can see areas where I have made compromises and done things that are definately in the gray area. But that’s part of growing up, the only thing is–you have to be able to realize your mistakes and correct them..not continue living in them. God calls us to a higher standard..He calls to be above reproach-to always have an answer for the hope in us–to be like Christ. But what happens when we lost sight of God-what happens when we lose that God-conscious attitude. We start to do things we never would have done..especially being college students-we don’t have authority constantly watching us and checking up on us. But we can never get away from God. Nothing we do is in secret. Yeah, parents, teachers, pastors etc. may never find out-but God knows. And we can’t hide forever–eventually our sin will find you out and our deeds done in the dark will come to the light. Being comfortable is not an excuse. No one knowing is not an excuse because even if no one ever finds out on this earth-someday we will have to give an account to God for every word spoken, every thought we had, and every deed we did. Kinda a scary thought huh? But more then that, it should be a motivating thought–A challenge to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and check every word before it leaves our tongue and question every action we do.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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