
Tell a Story

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My pastor on Sunday was talking about resolutions and he said that studies have shown one of the easiest ways to stick to a decision is to make it part of a story. Thus as we say goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013, I am going to use this time to weave a story throughout the next year of my life. It may not end up being a story anyone else reads, but nevertheless it will be my story.


The overarching component of a story is the theme. Perhaps one reason resolutions end up broken by February (if we make it that long) is because they are disjointed or generic-get in shape, save money, improve our relationships etc. It will be the same, I will struggle to find a parking spot at the gym for January and come February it will be back to my normal crew, the “resolute” having already given into other temptations. Perhaps to begin with we need a theme. My theme for 2013 is a bit cheesy, but it is what my life looks like right now. I even came up with three neat little words that all start with D to describe my hopes for the next year.


Dig, discipline, and determination

Dig deeper into life where I am, into relationships, and into my passions. I am starting off the year on a good note with a trip to Myanmar which is sure to springboard my “dig” component of my life for the next year.

Discipline in my walk with God, school, my job, my finances, and my daily life. I heard from some great leaders this year and one consistent theme they talked about over and over was being disciplined. I found a daily devotional, am going to set up some accountability, and am in the process of cleaning and organizing my apartment so that I can maintain a better sense of order this year. I set up a budget for myself and am going to take the GRE and look at potentially continuing on in my education. In everything, I want to work on creating a “20-mile march” mentality.

Determination to finish a marathon, learn to cook, and graduate with a 4.0 and a paper ready for submission to a journal. I am 26 so I figure it is a good year to put 26.2 miles under my belt. I got a crock pot for Christmas and am determined to stop eating out so much. I made it a year with my 4.0, surely I can make it another. I love to write and someone else has to want to read about bureaucratic effects on governments or anti-human trafficking policy right?

Thus instead of making a typical list of resolutions. I am going to tell stories this year. The story of training for 26.2. Stories of recipes, budgets, and organizing. Stories of love and passion and relationships.

Perhaps you too can join me and tell a story. Perhaps the story is not getting in shape, but running your first 5k or tacking a sprint triathlon. Perhaps it is of saving for a new car or new purse. Whatever it is-tell a story, don’t make a list-those are so yesterday:)

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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