Life Inspiration

Why not?

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I have spent much of my morning reading up on the blogs I follow and catching up on my Twitter list and through that hit a point of revelation. Kinda one of those duh moments..

Passion+hard work=ability to make dreams reality

I was reading about all these normal people that got fired up over ideas and made them a reality. They started a clothing business like this one. Or they created a play like this. They are teaching women to sew scarves here. The list could go on and go as I have spent two hours reading up on similar ideas. As I was reading their stories and getting excited over the ideas, it hit me. What did these people have? A passion for a cause and a willingness to work hard. I have spent the past year of my life coming up with every reason in the world why no one would want to hire me-I am not qualified, or educated, or experienced, or right, or blonde, or tall..etc. I have also spent the last year in a job that while good for me, was not the perfect fit nor something I could see myself doing long term. I have high expectations. I want a job I can love. I want a cause I believe in. But so did all of those people. They wanted jobs they loved. They wanted to change the world, raise awareness, simplify their life.
So enough is enough. I have passion. I have an incredibly strong work ethic. I am stubborn and organized. And I won’t give up. No matter what obstacle-like overcoming my deathly, panic fear of water-I am learning the power of facing it head on and conquering it. Therefore, I have decided to go for my dreams. To create a reality out of all this passion. Perhaps it will look like applying to all these jobs I love, but don’t feel good enough for. Or perhaps it will look like starting my own thing. I mean, if they can do, why can’t I? I love the simplicity of my life here in Saipan, but even as I look around, I see so many areas I could simplify further. I could save more and give more and love more. The journey begins now. Where it leads will be all in God’s hands..but I can assure you it will be an adventure!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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