Social Justice

If You Had Unlimited Resources, What Would You Give This Christmas?

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If You Had Unlimited Resources,
What Would You Give This Christmas?

I posed this question to my 6th-8th grade computer classes and thought I would post their answers as well as ask for yours.

-Toys for kids that can’t afford them
-Money to a person in Saipan whose house just burned down
-Houses and food for homeless people
-Money for moneyless
-Peace for North and South Korea
-Money to the poor in Saipan
-Snow for N. Africa
-Food for Africa
-Ice to the North Pole
-Water to Africa
-World Peace
-I will start green factories
-A mansion
-To everyone who doesn’t have a house, a big house
-A new car for my grandpa
-Houses, cars, and money for all the poor people
-Food for the poor people
-Clothes to the poor
-Supplies to the US Army
-1 billion to Make A Wish Foundation
-Have businesses come to Saipan
-Food and Clothes for the homeless
-Help strays
-Buy all the kids in the hospital everything they have ever wanted
-Help Haiti
-Buy a car for William
-Give a tennis racket to all my friends
-Help SCS make any renovation it needs
-Help any kid learn music that want to, but can’t afford it
-Clean water for all people on earth
-Food and water to the poor
-I would buy everyone presents
-Feed South Africa
-Give Yesul (his girlfriend) a pretty necklace
-Send water and food to places that are poor

*I would provide micro-finance loans to credible groups around the world to help them lift themselves out of poverty and make sure my parents never had to work again.

What would you give?

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

One Comment

  • Kris

    I would fund post-adoption services for kids and their families that were adopted from foster care so that they could get the APPROPRIATE therapies to heal and bond with their families.

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