Life Adventures


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One holiday down..two more to go.

I had a nice Thanksgiving. It was not what I expected it to be and made me realize how much I really miss my family, but it was a growing experience. And the break provided for lots of opportunities to ride my bike. I might be the only person who loses weight over Thanksgiving-40 miles on a bike will do that to ya!:) And I got to spend a lot of time with Kayla and Anna which was so nice!

I wish I felt more full of holiday cheer, but honestly, I am just tired. And it just doesn’t feel like the holidays. My family and friends are far away. It’s hot and sunny here everyday, which I am not complaining about, but just doesn’t quite feel like Christmas. I did put up a Christmas bulletin board in my classroom, but that is the extent of my holiday decorations.
It’s just hard. I am sure most people deal with this the first set of holidays they are away from home, but it has just hit me as I head into this time of year how truly lonely I feel on this island. I miss my friend Leah and her uncanny ability to just understand me. I miss Christmas shopping with my mom and being able to drink egg nog with my dad. I am sad that I will spend Christmas 7000 miles away from my love and best friend and one of the few people that actually puts up with my craziness!
However, lest this post be completely depressing I am truly thankful for my family. They are the ultimate support group and I love them with all my heart. I am thankful for Anna and my new friend Kayla and for the times we have had laughing and cooking. I am thankful for the ability to run, bike, and breathe. and I am truly thankful for the opportunity to be stretched and grown. I am learning a lot and realizing what I value in life. I am thankful for Drew and the way he is there for me each and every day. and I am thankful for the people here in Saipan who have opened their lives and homes to me.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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