Life Inspiration

Thank You

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It’s that time of year…we start thinking about what we are thankful for. It should be something we do all year, but it especially comes up around this time of year. So here goes a thank you.

Yesterday I had a very surreal moment. I was sitting in a circle with a group of junior high girls mediating a conversation about friendships, gossip, and life. As I looked around, I realized that I was now the authority. I was the teacher that these girls were talking to. No longer was I the junior high girl pouring out my heart, but the person on the other end. I am the grown-up. Weird. I don’t feel that way. But as my 24th birthday approaches..I realize that in this setting, I am the grown up. I am the adult, the teacher, the mentor. Therefore, I feel it is appropriate to thank my mentors. If not for several very influential people in my life, I would not be here today.
First and foremost, my parents are the single most constant thing in my life other than God. They have been my biggest fans, cheerleaders, advice givers, and tear wipers. I would not be the person I am today aside from their love and guidance. No way would I have the courage to move to the other side of the world to teach if it weren’t for their ever-constant belief that if I put my mind to it, I can do it. They are my strength and support and I am so very very thankful to have two such amazing people for parents.
Second, Nicole. She was my first youth leader. My mentor turned best friend. Our countless lunch dates, talks, and trips together have produced a bond that I pray lasts forever. She has always been there to listen, to encourage, to push, and to challenge me. She lets me download my thoughts on life, religion, God, and is always a source of encouragement and support. I would not be the person I am today if I did not have her leadership and guidance in my life.
Third, Sherry. She was a high school teacher turned friend and has become like second family to me. I love just hanging out on her couch talking about life and catching up on all that has gone on. She showed me the blessing of being single and the joy of being married. She has constantly left an impact in my life without even realizing it.
Fourth, Kris. She opened her home, her family, and her life to me over the past year. I looked forward to my weekly babysitting with so much anticipation, you would think I was doing something far more exciting than watching four munchkins. But her love for her kids and for those that came into her home was one of the most amazing, sacrificial things I have witnessed. She let me rant about work. She let me laugh and cry. She listened…really listened to what I was saying. And then she would do the simplest things like buy me a space heater that meant the world to me. She communicated that I was important and that when we can meet needs, we should.
Leah and Erin-My best friends, soul-sisters, and loyal confidantes. I don’t know what I would do without you two. I miss you both something awful. Leah-I miss our walks, our game nights, our chats, and the brutal honesty I could have with you. I miss having someone who can finish my sentences and understand what I am thinking when I don’t even understand it. I miss your laughter and your love for life. Erin-I miss your laughter as well. I miss our chats on your back porch, your sweet spirit, our morning runs, and the fun we had together. I know we didn’t know each other long, but I felt like I found a friend for life in you.
My new friend Anna. Third grade teacher, pseudo-roommate, and partner-in-crime for all my island adventures. I could not live in Saipan without you. I love sharing meals and adventures with you. Downloading and processing our days. and running and biking together. I love that you love ice cream, Friends, and reading. I love that we can enjoy so many of the same things, that we have found a Bible study to be part of, and that you are going to go to Sydney with me! Thank you for being such an amazing friend.
Chris and Joyce-my new found family in Saipan. Your life and ministry speaks volumes about the kind of people you are. You have opened your home and lives to me and made the transition to being so far from home so easy. Thank you for running errands, cooking, and checking in throughout the week. Thank you for the adventures and the chats about life. I am so thankful God brought you back to Saipan and into my life.
Kelly and Allison. My co-workers. Sanity keepers. Friends. I never would have made it through work some days if it weren’t for you two. Thank you both for being so interested in my life. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. I appreciate your friendship so much.
Kati B-I have to include you because I might not have survived Africa without you and because of your example and influence, I haven’t shopped at Wal-Mart in over a year. You introduced me to the world of social justice and you got my wheels turning. In addition, I acquired a whole new set of music I love and found a friend that would crawl in bed and hug me because really that’s all I needed.
Lastly, but certainly not the least or really even the last, as this list could go on and on. My neighbors from back home-Quincy and Liz. I only knew them a short time, but they showed me that I could still love God and love the things I am passionate about. That I could care about the world and social justice and loving my neighbor. That perhaps these things were really most important when centered on a love for Christ and that sharing a meal is perhaps the most Godly thing you can do. I can’t express in words how thankful I am for the times I could come home to cookies or to a dinner invite. I admire their marriage, their love for other’s and Christ, and their commitment to the Word of God. I sure miss Liz’s cooking too!
I could go on and on but I don’t think anyone really reads this anyways so I am going to stop there. However, that list is at best incomplete. There are countless other pastors, youth leaders, and friends that have impacted my life in ways I cannot explain. I am the person I am today because so many people have taken the time to listen, to care, to feed me, and to invite me into their lives. I am learning that life truly is about community and loving others. At the end of it all, we remember faces and people..not things. So thank you. May you never grow tired or weary of being the amazing people you are.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

One Comment

  • Debflores

    Yes, someone reads "this." Thank you for the work you do at SCS with our students and especially the volunteer work that you do put in for "our kids." You have the heart of a servant!

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