
God is too good

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I came home this weekend for the first time since school started and boy did I need to do that. It had just come to a point where I needed a break from college life. So I came home and realized once again how truly amazing the God is that I serve and how often I fall short of showing that in my own life. I spent the weekend with my family, relaxing and doing some odd and end things..not as much homework as I needed to but oh well.

This morning I got to go to my church which is my favorite part of coming home. I miss my church a lot..the one I go to at college is great, but just not the same as my home church. The sermon this morning was on Jonah and on living by principles, not feelings. WOW! Talk about God giving me a not so gentle nudge. It was exactly what I needed to hear, maybe not what I wanted to hear, but what I needed. I realized how much I have been living based on how I feel, not on what I believe or the principles governing my life. And life has been going somewhat crazy..imagine that. So I got my wake-up call. Going back isn’t going to be easy…in fact, it is going to take every ounce of my will-power to get in the car and drive back to school. It would be so much easier to stay here, but since when did God call us to do that which was easy.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! ALL THINGS–what an amazing verse. I can learn to live by my principles, not my feelings. I can learn to live with people that well, aren’t easy to live with. I can learn to trust in God for my future instead of freaking out every other week. But only when I rely on God and turn to Him can I do all of that. So starting today I am going back to the beginning. Going back to the cross-forget all the stuff I “know” from years at a Christian school..I am going back to what first griped my soul. To the ideas, however simple, that compel me to a deeper love and desire to follow Christ. That’s what I need..I need some fuel to keep my fire burning.

So all things considered, it was an amazing weekend and a good re-focusing time..Now I just have to go back..


aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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