
The Deceiver

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That is one thing Satan is known for-deception. And I caught myself today being almost caught up in one of his traps. It’s election day-a very very important day. To my agony, I cannot vote (not old enough), but I have been keeping up with the debates and the news coverage and plan to watch TV all night to find out who wins. But back to Satan..:) in my government class we are supposed to read this article and write a response to it. It is entitled, “The Decline of American Greatness” and the whole point was how if Bush gets re-elected America is going to fall into a huge pit of economic decline. Being part of the huge middle class and with finances being tight around home, that scared me. And then I was hit by something. I am a Christian-I have the Holy Ghost on my side. I was able to see that Satan was trying to deceive me and get me to think that Kerry would be a better president by playing off my fears. So what about the thousands of people in our country who aren’t Christians. When someone writes something negative about Bush what’s stopping them from believing it. For the most part, they don’t have a moral code or standard they live by so they aren’t going to re-focus on the issues of marriage or abortion. No wonder so many people dislike Bush. The media doesn’t like him so they portray him in a bad light. Kerry doesn’t have a stand on anything, but he also doesn’t have a record as president, something that, sadly, might play in his favor.

As Christians, what should our response be? Well, with everything we need to be evaluating what we hear in light of truth and the scripture. I can start a blog and write that Bush had an affair and probably get some people to believe me-but I would hope that any Christian would be wise enough to check what I was saying against a credible source and ultimately the bible. We also need to vote-granted, but the time I finish this blog the election will be hours from ending, but we still need to be exercising that freedom. And we need to be voting Godly men and women into office. I was tempted to think Kerry might do a better job, but I realized that whoever wins is going to lead our country for the next four years. I will be almost finished with college, perhaps married, and further along in life when the next election comes up. Do I want the issues I care about to be addressed now, or do I want to wait four years until more damage has been done? George W. Bush will do an excellent job. He will stand by his convictions and he knows his bible:) Ultimately, God’s will shall be done, and I know He will reign supreme. However, as Christians we must be doing our job. So think about what you hear-talk time to evaluate it against scripture. Don’t let the media dictate your thoughts-remember Satan’s game is deception.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea


  • hpwebbie

    Wow. Wow. Those who aren't Christian aren't moral? Wow. That is just plain ignorance and hatred.

    Why is separation of church and state so difficult for "Christians" to understand?

  • Amanda

    I am sorry-I didn't mean to come across as hateful and in my defence, I didn't say they all did. I just said for the most part. And why is separation of church and state so misused among non-Christians?

  • hpwebbie

    "For the most part, they don't have a moral code or standard they live by so they aren't going to re-focus on the issues of marriage or abortion."

    That is the most ignorant thing I have ever read in my life. I am shocked an appalled by that prejudice and feeling of superiority. Wow. Maybe you should get to know some non-Christians, they're not bad people. They actually do have a moral code. It's just not the same as yours.

    And is the concept of separation of church and state so difficult for you to understand?

  • Amanda

    I do know some non-Christians. And your right, some of them do have a moral code. I am sorry-I didn't honestly think anyone read my blog and while you will probably never admit it, there are a ton of people out their who don't have much of a moral code.

    As for the idea of separation of church and state-yes I do understand it. I have researched it quite a bit.

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