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Sometimes I want to scream..are you listening?! My mouth is moving, but somehow the words must get lost before reaching your ears. I feel like this a lot with my family..don’t get me wrong, I love my family. They are some of the coolest people in the world..but lately they seem to be having issues listening. I will tell them something a million times and they will call an hour later to find out what I’m doing and why I’m not home. It is rather frustrating. But God has a reason for everything and I think He is using this to humble me. All of a sudden, I am not the most important thing around my house..(not that I ever was, but I liked to think that) Then I started praying to God-asking Him to humble me. The thing is, God likes those kind of prayers and is answering mine over and over. He’s listening, and He’s teaching me that I need to listen..and that I need to be humble. So what my parents aren’t listening, it becomes my problem when I am rude and curt with them. Not that it always feels the greatest..my ego has been cut down a lot lately..but as Wilbo said is one of his previous posts..it’s not about me! So I am thankful God is humbling me..It’s the cry of my heart and while the answer isn’t easy, I know it is best.

I’m out..


aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

One Comment

  • ragamuffinminister

    This is a strong post. I can so relate, even to this day in my life. I'm glad I came upon this, Amanda.

    And, though it's not about you, it is. I hope that makes sense.

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