• Life Inspiration

    Oh My Word

    Tweet So tonight Ethan Zohn came to my campus! It was so awesome! Not only am I a HUGE survivor fan…but I happen to love Ethan. (for those of you who have no clue, He won Survivor Africa which probably still doesn’t help most people) And he works a lot with AIDS and Africa and gave me some advice on how to get started down that path. He was so down to earth and fun to talk to. Too bad it had to end… Amanda

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    Tweet Yep, it’s Thursday again. The Drake tribe came out on top again. Winning pillows and blankets, and sending the Morgan tribe back to tribal council where Lil was voted out. It was a sad time for the Morgan tribe, but since I’m rooting for Drake it was a good night! I just hope they don’t rearrange the tribes, although you know that’s whats coming.

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    Tweet Well, it’s Thursday again.My favorite night of the week..:) And although you all think I’m crazy for loving survivor, I’m going to keep you updated anyways. The two tribes this go around are Drake and Morgan. Tonight Drake came out on top-winning both the reward and immunity challenges. So Morgan went off to Tribal Council again and voted off Skinny Ryan. 2 survivors gone, 14 more to go. So far Morgan has lost every challenge. And I am rooting for the Drake tribe! 🙂 Anyways, I shall leave you all until next week..

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    Tweet As many of you know, I am a huge Survivor fan! Guess what?! Tonight was the season premier. In the Pearl Islands, a whole new array of challenges await these new tribe members..yay! There’s a guy on there from Indianapolis too! But I won’t ramble too much about it..I don’t want to drive people away already!