
You Think-Jenny and Tyler

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My favorite new song!

You know me so well | each and every part | so much better than i know myself | every layer of my heart | but it’s different with the world | i won’t let anyone come in | can’t let them know about my sin

‘cause what will the think of me | when they finally see | this little girl they know | doesn’t let her bruises show | what will the think of me | when they finally see | this little girl they know | doesn’t let her bruises show |what will they think of me

the pastor speaks | and i hang my head | so low i hope that | they will look at him instead | that man who left his wife and kids | so many years ago | no longer putting on a show | he’s let the congregation know


and who am i to think that i’m more righteous than the rest | that i might stand a little straighter when You put me to the test | i’m lying when i tell myself i have to be the best | that’s not what they expect


it’s not what they think | it’s how You think of me is

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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