Something that has been bothering me..
As of late, it seems my posts are being attacked with comments that are negative and to be frank, hurt. I am writing from my heart, and if you think I have erred in some way, I will be more then happy to admit and fix things. However, leaving nameless comments that do nothing more then tear me down do not help. I realize that their may be several people in my life I have hurt-whether knowingly or unknowingly. It saddens me that they use my blog to show their anger or hurt. I truly wish they would come talk to me. I am never going to grow or change unless someone is willing to tell me of my error. I promise I will try my best to respond in a Godly way..but I am also not perfect. I am still a human who sins and makes mistakes. It is frustrating because I do not know what I have done or what I have failed to do. I do not like to blog about this..but I also have been hurt by several comments placed. I realize they are just opinions and know not everyone is going to agree with me. Nor do I think that would be right. Constructive criticism is helpful. So I beg of you..I would love to know what you think and what you have to say. But I also want to make things right if I have wronged any of you. So consider this my plea, my apology, my request.