
Some Day

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You ever have one of those days that wasn’t really bad, but wasn’t really good? The kind you look back over and think, man, I blew that test or I have so much homework. You can’t really seem to recall much good in them, however sometimes you just have to search a little harder. I was sitting here tonight dwelling on what in my mind was a bad day, and all of a sudden I remembered what a fun cross country practice we had. And how most of teachers seemed to be in good moods today. And the many good conversations and laughs I had with my friends. In Spanish today we talked about the things we were thankful for, and I realized how much I have to be thankful for and how many ways God has blessed me. And although there were those dark spots in my day, I realized the bright ones outweighed them. And plus..The Pottery Club is going to have an awesome float:) (That’s for Rachel)

God’s mercies are new every day and His faithfulness endures all generations.

How Awesome is that!!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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