• Life Inspiration

    My Dad Is An Ironman!

    Tweet (You get two today! and a promise I will pick up the blog pace!) My dad completed his first ever Ironman today! Oh how I wish I could have been there, but thanks to modern technology I was able to follow him the whole race and sorta see him cross the finish line. I can’t not explain you how nervous I was. My dad has been talking about this for years and been actually training for the past year. It all came down to this. I knew that short of something medically going wrong, he would finish, but man, my nerves were all a tangled mess and I watched…

  • Life Adventures

    "You will gain 25 pounds in Saipan"

    Tweet This was one of the first things that was told to me upon arrival to this island. I just laughed it off thinking, “No way.” However, this is the 3rd weekend in a row we have been invited to multiple cookouts. You see, in Saipan, people get together every weekend and have potlucks. Everyone brings something and you get together. You don’t even have to have a reason! I love it because I think it is such a beautiful picture of community. You see these cookouts always have the most wide array of people-locals, young, old, people from near and far, lawyers, teachers, housewives-you name it and you can…

  • Faith

    Hard reminder

    Tweet One of the other teachers who has been in charge of prayer for our mornings meetings this week has been sharing The Beatitudes with us from The Message. I don’t normally read that version, but I have been studying the Sermon on the Mount and I thought I would read through all of them tonight. (and maybe get a jump on what she is going to talk about tomorrow 🙂 ) So I came across this.. You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. Wow-talk about what I needed to here. I try to make…

  • Life Adventures

    Running and Sunning

    Tweet So week three is down! Hard to believe we are heading into week four and that I have been here for almost six weeks. It feels much longer than that. I believe this is one of the few places in the world where time moves much slower. Perhaps it is because the weather is exactly the same everyday. Literally, it’s always around 85 and sunny and usually it rains at least once throughout the day. Everyday. Same thing. Which is amazing honestly because I hate cold weather so I am not at all complaining. It stays this way year round too which is even better. I do not have…

  • Life Adventures

    It’s Finally Starting to Feel Like Home

    Tweet I got two more boxes today! I am only waiting on the final two, although, I can’t imagine what more I could need! I got the few decorations I sent myself today..mostly stuff from Africa, but it was nice to put stuff on my walls! So instead of huge white walls staring at me, a part of Africa is covering them. Which makes this feel a little more like home. I am getting settled in, organized, and back into a routine. My apartment is looking a little more like I live here and am not just visiting. Which also means it is slightly messy all the time, but it…

  • Faith

    I found this interesting..

    Tweet I read a few blogs regularly, but one of my favorites is Tom Davis’s blog Red Letters. I found this a quote that I liked on his blog today and followed it to the original source  which is where I found the below quote. The letter it comes from took me a long time to read, but there was some really thought-provoking stuff in it. But I liked this portion because this whole trip so far has been a lot of facing my fears and trying new things.  And if only we arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in…

  • Life Adventures

    No Walk in the Park..but perhaps a Walk on the Beach

    Tweet So week two is almost done..thank goodness!   I have had a rough week and I am ready for a few days to re-focus and re-energize. To anyone who thinks being a teacher is easy, they are so wrong. And trust me, those few months off in the summer are so needed because the work of a teacher never ends. I am always planning, grading, writing notes or a test, and even when I think I am finished, I will run out of time in class or get done too soon and then have to re-arrange my whole plan.    I have realized this week how much of a…

  • Life Adventures

    Forbidden Island

    Tweet (you get two posts today!) So today we hiked to Forbidden Island. Aptly named because the locals believe that there are spirits living there and therefore will not go near it Although I believe it should have that name because of the hike to get there! My legs are going to be sore tomorrow! However, it was so worth it. We hiked down the side of a mountain basically..if you can imagine a mountain on and island..and then ended up at this small collection of caves and pools that you can swim and snorkel in. First of all, we hiked back into this cave and found a small pool…

  • Community

    First Week of School

    Tweet So I did it! I made it through my first week of school without killing a student or quitting my job. Actually, it was really good. I learned a lot though! Teaching is a whole new world for me so it was a week full of learning for both myself and (hopefully!) my students. I have 8 classes a day-all different which is a lot to begin to with. Add to that equation that I have no curriculum or books for any of the 8 classes and you a new dimension to the difficulty. Finally, add to it that I have students from Kindergarten through 8th grade that don’t…

  • Social Justice

    Dangerous Territory

    Tweet so I found a puppy. She was sitting in a ditch and I was walking home from the store. Now first of all, I am not allowed to have pets in my apartment or on the school grounds. Secondly, I live on an island with an overabundance of dogs so unfortunately this puppy is sort of out of luck. But I love her. I put her in a very safe spot and checked on her this morning. Still alive. Tonight I brought her some water-she drank three small cups. She is covered in fleas and probably not going to live much longer. But I have been reading Irresistible Revolution…