Tweet My Birthday! Guess what?! Tomorrow is my 17th birthday! (12/15) I can’t wait..but as a wonderful gift, I have my three hardest finals. I’m telling you..never be born during exam week, it’s no fun! Instead of dreaming about my birthday, I’m going to be thinking about muscles and spanish. And guess what I get to do on my and take finals! yay!! talk about a fun way to spend my special day! But hey, it isn’t all bad! I only have to go to school for 1/2 a day! And my mom is taking me out to lunch. Oh and my brother got me a steering wheel cover:)…
What I am going to give of myself this Christmas(english)?
Tweet I just had a nice long post typed out, but I had put it on my other blog..oops, and lost it when I was trying to switch back. Anyways, I am going to give of my time and I am going to give it to God and my family. I am going to work at spending a considerable amount of time with God each day. These past few weeks have been busy and my devotions have been shorted, but I am going to work hard to having some meaningful time with God over break. I am also going to work at serving my family. I am going to work…
Tweet Kelly Kelly is so “mint” She’s a basketball player-I think she’s good I’m so glad she’s my friend I stink at writing poems They are not my forte Back to Kelly, She is a very funny girl We had lots of fun playing games on the bus She can’t keep a secret though..well, not a silly one I’m sure she’s good at keeping serious ones though.. Don’t tell her what your getting anyone for Christmas:) She has really pretty hair Not that you care..but really she does Part of the dinks, they are super cool She makes me laugh all the time Well, now this poem must end.. Even…
Tweet Untitled Have you ever stood back and looked around at all the holiday bustle and business December brings? Have you ever looked beyond the anticipation of Christmas day to the bigger meaning of December? In just a few weeks the greatest birth that ever took place is going to be celebrated! Just think, if Christmas had never happened, we would be wretched sinners headed for hell with no hope of heaven. But our merciful, loving God decided to rescue us in our sad, desperate state and sent His only son to die for us. How would you like it if tomorrow your dad told you, Son (or daughter), your…
Two hour delays..why?
Tweet Two hour delays..why? There are certain occasions that call for a blog and this morning was one. I stayed up till around midnight last night working on homework. I then was supposed to get up and be at school at 7:15 to tutor, which meant I had to get up around 5:30. My dad came in to wake me up, and told me there was snow all over the ground. My first thought was two-hour delay yes!! But then I quickly remembered our school never has two-hour delays..why should today be different? Even when it was like -20 degrees outside and every other school in the state had a…
Ice Skating
Tweet Ice Skating I’m back..last night some people from my youth group and some people from Rossiville went ice skating. I had so much fun! I can’t remember the last time I blew my list of stuff I needed to do and went to hang out with people. I made some new friends and had fun with my old ones. I have decided I’m a really stinky skater..although I never fell and figured out how to turn in a circle! I was proud! but again..homework!
It’s official..
Tweet It’s official.. I’m I sit writing away in my blog while my trig needs done, my micro report needs written, and my body needs sleeping. Mr.Harmless I have to thank and myself to blame for not focusing. But oh least I’m only addicted to blogging and not to something that’s actually harmful. And since very few others keep up with their blogging, I must provide something new to read for those few that read my blog. so since I’ve posted 3 times today and I really do have much homework and have already make a fool of myself once tonight-I’m going to go. I’m out.. Amanda
To my dear junior Cheerleading buddies
Tweet To my dear junior Cheerleading buddies..nothing against Erin or Danielle..I love you both! Kayla-I am so super glad you came to Faith! You have become one of my closest friends and I am so thankful for you. Thanks for listening and for talking..I know I can always count on you for a laugh and for a serious conversation. Good luck with your “friend”, I know things will work out. Don’t ever doubt yourself. Sometimes I really hate cheerleading, but you always seem to make it seem all right. Thanks again for all you do..and I can’t wait for the next year and a’s gonna be a blast! Finish…
Tweet Holidays Thanksgiving has come and gone, the turkey has been stuffed and ate, the pies are gone. The shoppers fill the malls carrying package upon package, each with special purposes. Some snow has fallen, with the promise of more to come, “I’m Deaming of a White Christmas..” floats across people’s minds. Dear Santa letters’ have been written.. cookies are waiting to be baked, teachers are waiting to eat them:) school is winding down..exams are on the way. Friends, presents, get togethers with family, all that yummy food..Christmas is coming. And the most important reason for the season..a savior is born! So to echo a song..”It’s the most wonderful time…
How I show I’m thankful..(English)
Tweet How I show I’m thankful..(English) Mrs. Wiebe had as our blog topic for the week how do you show your thankful. It really got me thinking, do I show that I’m thankful. I mean, yeah at this time of year I can list off the many things I’m thankful for..the common expected answers-school, church, family, friends..but do I actually show I am thankful. And how could I show that. I kept thinking about that, and some convicting thoughts came across my mind. Do I show my teachers I am thankful for them when I keep talking in class after being told not to, or when I don’t turn in…