Tweet So I am slowly turning into a hippie. Well, in a sense.. I have been reading a lot about the environment and global warming and the “doom” we are facing according to scientists and have decided that there is not enough Christian influence on this issue. We of all people should be the first to take care of the environment. It is God’s creation and our duty to take care of it. (Genesis 1:1) I believe that if change does not happen, life as we know it will never be the same. The creatures that point so powerfully to God’s handiwork are slowly going extinct and the rainforests and…
You are My Joy
Tweet So I am a crazy David Crowder fan! He is one of my all time favorite artists. Perhaps because I love to sing his songs on the top of my lungs when no one is around! 🙂 but anyways.. my current favorite song is You are my Joy. It’s a very simply song proclaiming that You (God) is my joy. Joy is a different emotion. We often equate it with happiness, but I think that is a poor definition of joy. One definition of Webster that I like is “a source or cause of delight.” So another way of singing You are my Joy would be to say You…
No complaining..
Tweet so Tuesday night we got a terrible ice storm that resulted in 70,000 people in my town losing power. I happened to be one of those lucky people. So I spent the past two days living out of a suitcase because the temperature in my apartment was around a warm 40 degrees! and I also spent the past two days mad. I don’t know why. Things could have been much worse. I had a place to stay and I got to take a shower and they canceled classes Wednesday. But it was an interruption in my life. A burp that I was not expecting and caused my to have…
Tweet So classes started last week..and on Monday I had a minor freak out over what I was doing with my life. After being reassured by several people that I was not crazy nor was this the last time I would question why I was doing what I was doing, I came up with a plan for school. Mind you this plans includes taking an extra semester to graduate, it will set me up to be in the best position to do what I want to do. Go to graduate school and work towards a phD in Economics. While I was settled on school, I still had this nagging feeling…
Tweet So I added this cool thing I found in my church bulletin. It’s called RefTagger. When you type a reference it allows the reader to scroll over and read the verse without going to a separate site. Like John 10:10. Let’s see if it works. Amanda
Fasting and Praying 2
Tweet By the way.. If anyone that reads this feels so inclined to donate to my trip-go to the website below. Enter my name-Amanda Kloeppel and click Real Life Missions in the pull down menu. It’s super easy!
Fasting and Praying
Tweet So lately I have been really convicted on the whole idea of fasting and praying. I think it is a lost art in our culture today. And I also don’t believe that fasting has to be limited to food. Due to some health issues, fasting food is not healthy for my body and I always used that as an excuse to just not fast. But God has really convicted me that it is the heart and idea behind fasting that He wants. He wants a heart that is willing to give something up that is important to really focus in on Him. So for me that thing that is…
Tweet God works in truly amazing ways. One of them through blessings. I have been really convicted lately of how I spend my money and God has pressed upon my heart the need to be faithful to tithe and to support fellow Christians as well as love those who do not know Christ through my giving. And while giving does not mean simply giving of our money, it is a part of it. And a part that I have felt convicted to work on. The Bible tells us in Luke 12:27-28, “Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in…
Leave..and Go
Tweet So I started a Bible study today on the Patriarchs. I have to say I think this one is going to be good. I have only finished one day of study and I am already in love with it. But God has been preparing me for this for awhile. There is within me a “holy discontent.” A frustration with the way things are and the way Christians act. I have been reading some books by some radical thinkers this semester and God is stirring within me a passion for Him and to change the world. Granted, I have always had dreams of changing the world, but slowing I am…
New Year..New Resolutions
Tweet One being I am going to take up writing in my blog again. I miss it and I have more than enough time to keep it updated. So alas, here goes my first attempt to keep this thing updated. A lot has happened in my life since I last posted, but the most exciting thing is that I am spending my summer in Africa!! I will be spending two months (May 29-July 29) in the country of Swaziland which is near South Africa. I am super excited! God brought together all the details of the trip so perfectly-now I am just praying for support. I need to raise $5,000…