There are those in this world silently suffering, trapped in dark places, and unaware that rescue is even possible. For those we are called to be a voice. To speak on their behalf, to work together to stand up, and to proclaim that “rescue is not only possible, but it is coming.
Voices I am Passionate About
The Hadassah Group– the nonprofit I founded which seeks to share the love of Christ with women in our local sex industry
Strip Church Network– reaching women in dark places with the love and compassion of Christ
Uncharted International, a local nonprofit near and dear to my heart, Uncharted is working in some of the most unreached places in the world to equip and empower orphans, church leaders, and the enslaved.
Children’s HopeChest -Caring for orphans in Africa and Russia
Kiva-Amazing micro-finance organization. So far my $150 has turned into $1200 of small loans.
TOMS Shoes– Because shoes are way better when they are making a difference