Tweet CHRISTMAS Someone e-mailed this to me, and I figured since the holidays are here it was a good reminder!! Don’t forget the reason for all the excitement at this time of year! Happy Holidays!! Who started Christmas? This morning I heard a story on the radio of a woman who was out Christmas shopping with her two children; after many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable, and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids. She was feeling what so many of us…
I Love Being Alone
Tweet I Love Being Alone.. I realized that tonight as I headed off to the mall for some shopping. I got paid on Friday and for once had some money, which I should be saving for Christmas but oh well. I went alone, and didn’t really have any desire to call someone to go with me. Plus I couldn’t think of anyone to call. I just walked around the mall, going where I wanted and looking at what I wanted. My mom eventually showed up, but I really enjoyed just shopping alone. I normally like to do stuff alone..I think it’s one of those things I have acquired after many…
Laugh at Yourself
Tweet Throughout my highschool years, I have learned one very important lesson-you must have the ability to laugh at yourself. This is not something everyone will master, but something everyone should. I think over my past 3 years..let me tell you, if I had not cultivated this ability, I would have almost always been embarrassed. I can’t tell you how many times I have said the dumbest things at the dumbest times. Or how many times I have tripped over that stinkin’ carpet.. And last night was the kicker..I’m with a bunch of people I don’t know, dressed up all fancy in my formal dress and high-heeled shoes. We’re traveling…
The Greatest Lesson I’ve Learned So Far This Year
Tweet Wow..The greatest lesson is a tough one because I’ve learned so many lessons! Spiritual ones and other the law of gravity..learned that one a bunch of times:)! I think I would have to say the greatest lesson I’ve learned so far is a spiritual one. God has shown me over and over how many people are watching me and how my actions can affect more people then I think. Several people that I respected and looked up to made some big mistakes, and although they probably don’t even realize it, they impacted me in big ways. It’s made me realized that I need to be careful about what…
My most memorable moment so far this year
Tweet I would have to say it happened in Biology 2. We were talking about something, I honestly don’t even remember what. It was a normal class, but we were a little bit more outspoken and silly then normal. (Of course, normal is not usually a word that describes that class..but oh well!) Anyways, I was sitting across from Abri..and I have to say, that girl is hilarious. I love her to death..she always has something funny to say. But anyways, she also happens to be vice-president, and class rep of the senior class. Well, Mr.Grass walked in the door, and I don’t know what came over Abri, but something…
State Champions
Tweet Our soccer team won-they defeated #2 ranked Heritage Hall to win state! It was a great game..even with the cold and rain..and the guys played awesome! Congratulations guys!! Our first state championship was sweet!
My Favorite Season
Tweet Hum..I don’t have one favorite season, I like the end of spring, summer, and the begining of fall. I love the beginning of fall because it’s so pretty. I love when the leaves change, and the days are still warm. I love raking leaves and jumping in the piles. I love carmel apples, and wearing sweaters, yet still being able to wear shorts. I love the smell of bonfires, and soccer, and school starting. I hate cold weather, which is why I skipped the end of fall, winter, and the begining of spring. I love the end of spring, because most of the rain is gone, and the weather…
We’re Off To Cheer for the Eagles
Tweet So..that’s kinda how my afternoon went on Friday..wacko! I went on the fan bus to cheer on our eagles at their last soccer and volleyball games. and I had a blast!Sadly, only our JV came away with a victory-but good job to all the teams! and Good luck at State!! So many memories..but I must say something about Amanda #2..aka Bosma. We worked at day camp all summer, and I am convinced it messed up our biological maturing cycle. Either that or we still know how to enjoy life..we had so much fun. Who else could find enjoyment in kids’ meal bags or in the toys you get inside..nice…
It’s coming..
Tweet weird title, I know, but it fits.. we got our cheerleading shoes today, which means one step closer to d-day..or our first pep rally. I mean, I guess there are people out there who like to overcome the odds, embarrassing themselves in the process, but I don’t happen to be one of them. Personally, I like to win my battles without everyone watching and waiting to laugh. But God didn’t call us to live in I must put myself out there, even if it is to be made fun of. Plus, it’s getting exciting, and all I have is my shoes..just wait till I get my whole…
Cedarville Craziness
Tweet Well, I just got back from a trip to Cedarville University and it was so much fun! I love it there so much, and want to go super bad! However, the memories I made just on this trip will last forever. The people I met were so awesome..and very accomodating to us, the puzzled looks on our faces probably gave us away.:) And I got to see Rachel and Mary, and we(the girls) stayed with Elizabeth. I didn’t sleep much though..try sharing a twin bed with Eve:) And after coffee and Code Red, neither of us were much into sleeping anyways. Me and Eve seem to make memories wherever…