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    Tweet It’s 40 minutes until Christmas day! I can’t wait..I’m so excited! I honestly don’t think I’ve been more excited about Christmas or my birthday any year. But you know, I’m not so much excited about opening my gifts..I just can’t wait for my family to open their gifts. I splurged this year..and spent more than I had planned on Christmas..I have no gas, no money..but you know, I haven’t been this happy in awhile. I have so much, and not that the rest of my family doesn’t..but they don’t have closets full of clothes and shoes. I was able to spend some time with those close to me, and…

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    Tweet Life Life is all about choices! Sometimes you have to make easy choices..like what to wear; and sometimes you have to make hard choices. But sometimes you get choices made for you. My mom is going to school at Christina’s and I get my hair done there. Going in without a clue what you want it a scary endeavor. Last time I came out shorter and blonde. This time I’m a redhead. One of my new friends Amber did it, and I love it. Although I think it is the biggest change I’ve made thus far. So anyways, I went in there not really knowing what I wanted but…

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    Guys and Girlfriends

    Tweet Guys and Girlfriends.. If there is one thing in this world that doesn’t mix it’s guys and girlfriends. I have been on both ends of this..and I can tell you, no matter how many promises you make, they don’t mix. “I’d never choose a guy over you they say” and I have in fact said this myself. But once you start to like a guy and find the feeling is mutual, things are never the same. Oh, they may think it is..but the only thing they talk about is this guy. And instead of wanting to hang out with you on their open Friday nights, they want to hang…

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    Tweet Well, for the first time on break..I can say I’m bored. I could probably be doing something..but it’s too early to start on my to-do list for this break. So I thought I would write in my blog. I just have to think of something to write about. You know one thing I love about Christmas..we always get letters from our friends that we don’t talk to throughout the year. I love reading them and hearing about their lives. The people we used to see almost daily, now are only a thought at Christmas time. I think one of my favorite letters we got was from the pastors of…

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    Christmas Break

    Tweet Christmas Break It’s official..School is out for Christmas Break!! I am so excited..this break was very much needed! I hope you all have a wonderful break and enjoy some much needed R and R..Let’s not let this break become all about us though! anyways..I’ll blog more later, just wanted to say Merry Christmas!!

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    Life is Good

    Tweet Life is good.. You ever just sit back and think about how good life is? How sweet the mercy of God is? How awesome and amazing His love it? Tonight I served at the Christmas dinner for the staff at school and church, and I had a blast! I was reminded that the best things in life are the things we do to glorify and please God. No matter what it is.. I also realized that many ways God has chosen to bless me, and the many amazing people He has placed in my life. Exams are over..Christmas break is almost here. But as Mr. Grass reminded us today..it’s…

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    Tweet Friends.. This week is exam week, and that means half days or 1/4 of days! Today I finished school at 9:20..and Eve came home with me for a bit. We are crazy silly together..and so that was fun! A smoothie and some jibberish later we went back to school to get Brittany and Taylor. We went to Culver’s to eat..fun times again! We came back to the school again..something your not supposed to do!:) Kelly, Eve and I headed off to the mall..broke. But we had so much fun..it was good to be able to just have fun and not worry about the rest of life. We tried on…

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    Tweet You are Psalms. Which book of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla Thanks to Mr. Harmless and Stephanie S. for this one.

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    Odds and Ends

    Tweet Odds and Ends Today was the first day of finals, and my birthday! All my hard ones are over..yay!! Not much else.. Last night was the survivor finale..Sandra won. Not the person whom I wanted, but still she deserved it more than the other person. Jon was finally voted off…I can’t believe how far he made it. Just shows the sinfulness of our culture..and the acceptance of wrong as right. I wish D had won..she was my favorite person on the show! But hey, she got super far and will probably still get some modeling jobs out of the deal! I am a die hard survivor fan!! So now,…