Tweet So..I know I’ve been posting a lot lately, but I haven’t had much else to do. It’ll make up for all the times I’m busy. Plus, I have had a lot on my mind which always increases my number of posts. So anyways..I’m so confused about life. I don’t really know what to think..I have so many questions. The problem is I can’t ask any of them. Well, I can..and I will eventually. But right now, I’m waiting on people to just randomly answer them..however, I think that is a futile pursuit. And honestly, I think it all comes down to patience. I want to know now what’s going…
I hate being bored..
Tweet Yes..more then anything, I hate not having anything to do. This has plagued me since I was young. I believe that is why I began talking to myself. (but that is a different story) I will do anything to avoid being bored. But Sunday(today) rolled around and I had nothing to do. I finished all my homework Saturday when I was bored and by 1:00 Sunday had finished everything that needed done for this week. So I have sat around for 6 hours. I made cookies, but I am a bad cookie maker and had a recipie that was wrong so they taste awful. 🙁 I cleaned my room…
Tweet Guys. Good grades. Friends. Cheerleading. Being liked. That’s what I wanted. That’s what I was aiming for. I was consumed by “I” and “me”. I had built up so much bitterness, pride, and anger-I couldn’t do anything without thinking about how this would help me or how this would hurt someone who hurt me. It was an awful way to live. I know I hurt people I didn’t mean to. I know I said and did things I shouldn’t have. And I know more then anything, that it saddened God. Then last night, I was talking with a friend and I realized how much I needed to get my…
We lost..
Tweet Spirit week 2005..The seniors lost..almost an unheard of thing in our school..but anyways..just wanted to say congrats to the Juniors and to my seniors..I love you guys so much!!! Even though we didn’t win, I wouldn’t trade you guys for the world!! Graduation is almost here!:) Just a thought.. Amanda
Tweet Have you ever looked back and wondered why in the world you ever did that? I have been doing that a lot lately..perhaps it’s because it’s nearing the end of my senior year or perhaps because I learned a little about the importance of things..but I have realized my dream to live highschool with no regrets turned out to be anything but that. Now, granted..I made a lot of right choices and have some memories I will keep forever. But I also have pain and hurt that will probably never go away. There are certain feelings that no matter how far removed you become, never go away. I wish…
Luke the Master
Tweet Here’s a great quote from him.. 13 men turned the world upside down, surely 80 students can change 500 (so paraphrased by me:) )
Tweet That’s how many posts I’ve written!
Tweet Ever sit down to write and have so much to say, but no matter how hard you try your thoughts won’t make it to the paper? yeah..that’s me right now. I seriously have a million thoughts going through my head..they have been taking away from my precious sleep time..but for some reason they won’t come out. They won’t form into something I can write about so for now I will leave you all. I will be back later when my thoughts are ready to be written about. I’m out.. Amanda
Tweet I’ve been in the mood to write lately..perhaps partly because my mind has been restless..I can’t sleep. My mind is too full of thoughts and those thoughts usually yield themselves to a blog entry. So on to the point of this blog. Perhaps it is because I’ve been thinking about college or perhaps it’s because my brother transfered schools..but God has been challenging my a lot on my point of view. Someone once told me, “What you think is reality becomes your reality”. And while I didn’t agree with them at the time, I think I do now. If I think that I am not wanted among a certain…
Travel-blogger idol week 3
Tweet 13 hours. No AC. 50 some odd teenagers. Two unreliable buses and several break downs later we made it. Our destination-Brevard, North Carolina for a week of summer camp in the sweltering heat. Every summer my church takes a a bunch of teens down to the Wilds Christian camp in Brevard for a week of And it never fails that the trips down and back are where some of the most exciting memories are made. But there was one year that will always stick out in my mind. We were all loaded up ready to head down south for the week. We had a trailer attached to the…