• Life Adventures

    Tinian Travels

    Tweet Anna, Andrea, and I spent Saturday and Sunday in Tinian. It’s a small island located about 5 miles from us..you can see it from the beach we normally hang out at. We took a very small plane over-the entire flight was 10 minutes! There isn’t much on Tinian. In fact, one lady said she thought less than 5000 people lived there. Its mostly green trees when you fly over it. However, all of us needed a break and it was on my list of things I wanted to do before I move home. We got there Saturday around lunchtime, checked in to our awesome room, and went exploring. We…

  • Life Inspiration

    Good Quote

    Tweet If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race. It’s up to you.  Dave Scott, U.S. Triathlete 

  • Conquering Fears

    Xterra Saipan

    Tweet After my successful finish in the bike race this morning, I have decided I am going to enter into the Xterra Saipan Sport Triathlon. I have been talking about it and sorta training for it and dreaming about it, I just finally decided I needed to do it. I know if I don’t, I will regret it. So the plan for the next 30 days looks roughly like this: Eat, work, coach/tutor, swim, run, and bike, eat, sleep. Repeat.  Don’t worry, I won’t swim, run, and bike all in the same day. Except for March 12th which is when the actual event takes place. And the course is short,…

  • Life Adventures

    Life as of Late

    Tweet While you, my readers, may enjoy my deeper thoughts, I figured I would update you all a little on life in Saipan. I can hardly believe how fast time is flying by. In 102 days, I will be back home in Indiana, far from my beach, my friends and family here, and my simple life I have grown to love. But no need for sadness yet-I still have 102 days to live it up! Teaching is going well. This semester is definitely better than last. I am able to plan better and more accurately assess my student’s needs and weaknesses. I am still not in love with teaching, but…

  • Faith


    Tweet Exodus 16 brings us a story that has taken on new meaning to me as of late. As I have been studying and reading, I have come to see more of God’s heart and more of my own lack of trust in it. Exodus 16 is all about food. I have to admit, I love food. But in Exodus 16 we find our newly freed Israelites complaining over a lack of food. They even go so far as to remark they would rather be back in Egypt! Apparently, lack of food can cloud your senses and cause you to wish for slavery once again. (So many other metaphors in…

  • Faith

    February 14th

    Tweet Or perhaps better known as Valentine’s Day. It’s a holiday people tend to love or loathe depending on which side of the relationship spectrum they may be on.  And I am usually on the loathe side. Normally because I just think its silly we spend all this money on overpriced goods to do something we should do every single day of the year-spread love. This year I have been thinking a lot this holiday. Thankfully being so far away, I can avoid most of the hoopla of the holiday, but I have been thinking about how much good the holiday could do. See, its a holiday focused around love.…

  • Social Justice

    Joy Not Obligation

    Tweet Psalm 23:1-3 God, my shepherd! I don’t need a thing.    You have bedded me down in lush meadows,       you find me quiet pools to drink from.    True to your word,       you let me catch my breath       and send me in the right direction. I have been really challenged lately over the matter of my finances. It seems to me that perhaps one reason for my coming to Saipan was for God to challenge me in this whole area of giving and of having enough. And the more I have studied the gospels, the more I see that God’s heart is often so far from mine. He promises us life abundantly. He came to be our…

  • Social Justice

    Vulnerable Post #1

    Tweet I am in the middle of a study called “Economy of Love.” It is an excellent study done by Relational Tithe and Shane Claiborne. It is a movement to act counter-cultural and to decide to have enough. To live in a community where today we have enough. Not always everything we want, not always new clothes, cars, toys, or gadgets, but a community where everyone has enough. I am going to keep posting questions and quotes from the book because they cause you to think. “The model of incarnation is that Jesus moved into the neighborhood. Jesus entered into the struggle, was born in the middle of a genocide…

  • Conquering Fears

    Coach basketball?

    Tweet Sure! Why not? No one else is ever going to ask me to coach a sport, which is perhaps wise-but while I am here, I might as well take the opportunity! I really like coaching. Its so much fun to work with students in an environment where they have chosen to be there vs. a classroom setting where they are forced to be there. So the fourth grade teacher and I are helping coach the junior high girls basketball team. I should say, she is coaching, I am helping and together we sorta have some knowledge on the sport. I can’t play it, but I understand somewhat how it…