Today is Valentine’s Day. And whether you celebrate it or loathe it, it is hard to get away from the pictures of love, the chocolate, and red hearts decorating stores and TV ads. So today, whether you love Valentine’s Day or realize the commercialism of the holiday and protest it, remember one number.
27 million.
Research estimates there are 27 million slaves around the world today, a vast number of these being women and children exploited for a perverse form of “love.” As we celebrate love with cards and candy hearts, many others are being brutally abused, raped, and used. And while it may not be what you want to think about today, it is simply the broken world we live in and it beyond time for action.
Take a minute today to stop and pray for the 27 million and their exploiters. Take some time to read a little more about the topic. Two great resources are the Polaris Project and the Not for Sale Campaign. Educate yourself and those around you. Because for everyday we live free, many more live enslaved. And while it may be too late for this year, next year commit yourself to buying only fair trade chocolate and gifts. Take action with your dollars and refuse to buy goods made by slaves. Celebrate this day by helping to fight a heinous crime and an awful injustice against moms, daughters, sons, and fathers.