So I have done a lot of scary things since moving to Saipan. I mean, aside from moving half-way around the world with zero friends. I jumped off a cliff, have snorkeled and swam more than I ever thought I could, taught students with names I couldn’t pronounce, crashed my bike, ran till my legs hurt, and the list goes on. I have conquered so many fears and had so much fun. I have done all kinds of things out of the ordinary that I have become afraid of the ordinary.
I have to drive to my race in the morning. We have a car for a few days while a friend is traveling and it just made the most sense for me to drive it to my race since I am on a crunch for time. Literally, scariest thought in the world right now. I hated driving in the states and people here are not the best drivers. And it has been 4 months since I have been behind the wheel of a car! Something I used to do without the blink of eye is now causing literal butterflies in my stomach. I suppose I should laugh about it. 🙂
I will let you know how it goes. Perhaps you should up offer an extra prayer for the drivers here!