Life Adventures

It’s Finally Starting to Feel Like Home

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I got two more boxes today! I am only waiting on the final two, although, I can’t imagine what more I could need! I got the few decorations I sent myself today..mostly stuff from Africa, but it was nice to put stuff on my walls! So instead of huge white walls staring at me, a part of Africa is covering them. Which makes this feel a little more like home. I am getting settled in, organized, and back into a routine. My apartment is looking a little more like I live here and am not just visiting. Which also means it is slightly messy all the time, but it wouldn’t be mine if it wasn’t like that. 🙂

I have become good friends with one of the other new teachers-Anna. I am pretty sure God sent her here for me:) We eat dinner together at least three times a week and it’s becoming a more and more regular habit. Food here is expensive and neither of have microwaves so instead of trying to figure out what to do with leftovers we just both pitch in part of a meal and eat dinner together. The company is much better and I think it’s much closer to a Christ-like community. And we have spent the past two nights planning trips to Bali and Japan. It’s like having a partner in crime to travel with and to enjoy life with. Almost all of the other teachers are married so it is nice to have someone to share meals with, to go to the beach with, and to (hopefully) travel the world with. Plus we get along really well which is a major plus!

I am getting more and more comfortable with teaching each day too. It’s not getting easier yet, but I am slowly learning lessons. Like explaining the activity before they turn on their computers or else I will have to explain it 15 more times. (I don’t even have 15 students!) and the importance of planning, but also being able to think quick with something doesn’t go as planned. My students are growing on me too. I have a feeling they are going to steal my heart before too long. Especially my younger ESL students.
And I have taken up running again. Which is one reason I know this is becoming more like home and not just a vacation. Although, I will admit that teaching on an island is probably one of the sweetest deals you can get. Sure, it’s hard work..but to walk from your classroom to the beach in less than five minutes is an alright trade-off!
So one month in and all is good:)

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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