Pensacola Christian College..I spent the past three days there..and no, there aren’t pink and blue sidewalks-you can walk on whatever sidewalk you want, unless it’s after dark then you have to stay on the lighted ones. And you can talk to boys, but only before 7:) It really wasn’t awful..I mean, girls can’t wear pants ever, they can wear shorts though. And they can go to the beach as long as there are 5 girls going. You can leave campus whenever you want as long as you have at least 3 members of the same sex. No mixed groups unless you have an adult or are over the age of 23. By the way, make sure you use the right elevators/stairs-you know, depending on whether you are a guy or a girl.:) And those are just a few of the weird rules they have there..I like how someone put it..”I am going to college to grow up, not be raised.”
All joking aside, the people down there were some of the nicest people I have ever met. They were always stopping to talk to us and ask how our team was doing, where we were from etc. I stayed up late one night talking to the girls I was staying with and I assure you they are normal people:) Plus, our guys won the championship! Final game was Faith vs. Baptist Academy-how fitting to travel 14 hours to beat a team from Indiana:)
Over and out