
It’s all about the SMALL stuff

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She didn’t say hi. He gave me a weird look. She brushed me off. He said something rude. Does it ever seem like life is all about the little things? The unimportant things in life get blown up, while the important things get watered down to nothing. How often do you get mad because you sinned? How often do you have a passion for saving the lost? How much time and energy do you put into your bible study? Do you talk to God as much as you gossip about someone else? Do I?

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Christ had gotten mad over the little things. Would He have let a comment from Peter anger Him to the point of giving up His mission? Would He have let His desire to find out dirt on someone cloud over His desire to please God? I know..Christ would never do that. But it says that He was tempted in all things, but was without sin. So Christ struggled with the temptation to do it, but He had His eyes on the bigger picture. He knew one little sin could prevent Him from saving the whole world. What if you could look into the future and see the effects of one sin on someone else? What if you knew that one sin would mean someone else would spend eternity in hell? Would you think twice about doing it? I know I would..but we don’t think like that. We want the enjoyment of being mad at someone over the desire to please God. In a world that looks out for # 1, it’s hard to have a Christ-like focus. How do you focus on the big picture with everyone telling you it’s all about today and now? I think our world would be radically different if Christians would take up the challenge to really be like Christ. Not just in church, not just in some areas..but in every single aspect of their life to be like Christ. See, sometimes we spend so much time arguing with the people on our team that we lose the sight of the goal. We are all on the same team! Isn’t that a cool thought? Every Christian is part of the body of Christ! And that body is big and can have a major impact. But American Christianity is shallow. People get more fired up over the kind of music played in church then they do over winning people to Christ. Somehow I find something wrong with that picture. And I know, I need to work on this too. God has really been challenging me to broaden my horizons and realize life is so much more then the bubble I live in now. There are people out there that need Christ. So I guess I want to challenge you to take a look at your own life. Are you really on the same team with the Christians around you? Or are you letting little things get under your skin and cause friction? The world needs to see that we are different. They need to see that we love each other. Christ said, “This is how they would know that ye are my disciples, that ye have love one for another.” So go someone and focus on the big picture!

Just a thought..


aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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