I do everything on impulse. That’s the way I am. I cut my hair on impulse. I shop on impulse. I eat on impulse. I color my hair on impulse. I treat relationships with impulse. (You could probably more biblically say I live by my current mood/feelings) Growing up, I think this pattern of impulse was ingrained into me. It seems like I make rash, hasty decisions all the time, and am then left to clean up the mess after the fact. God has shown me how much this “living on impulse” has impacted my spiritual life. My devotions are sporadic, my prayer time sporadic. It’s like most other things I do-some days I feel inspired to do them, some days I don’t. I know, over and over, the bible talks about not living by our feelings, but that is by far one of the hardest things to do. How do you put what you know over what you feel? I have been trying so hard to do my devotions every day, but I’m lost and frustrated-two things which make me then not want to do them. So on days I feel like doing them, I do. And on days I don’t, well..I don’t. It’s my sinful nature coming on strong. I am working on curbing it-curbing that desire to do whatever I feel like doing..but I have realized that apart from God I can do nothing. Apart from His love and His grace-I will never change. And apart from His pushing and trials, I will never grow into the piece of pottery He intends for me to be. So I am going to work on not living on impulse so much. Taking my time and thinking about things before I do them..because sometimes even the most trivial things turn out wrong..like my purple hair:) And I don’t want an impulse decision to turn into a negative life-changing decision..
One Comment
i love your purple hair!