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Have you ever gotten in one of those sentimental, mushy moods where everything seems to make you tear up? (I know guys, you probably can’t relate!) Lately for some odd reason, it seems like there are a lot of things in my life that I miss. Things that aren’t good or bad, right or wrong, just things that have come and gone over my life. and lately, whether it’s been conversations, other people, or even just a thought-I start to miss things.. I sit and ponder over why things have happened the way they have..how come things couldn’t have just turned out perfectly.. or at least what I thought would be perfect. but then I realize that the things I miss so much are also the things that have taught me the most. The things I remember with tears are the things that have brought me closer to God. The people whom have come and gone in my life are the ones who have taught me some priceless lessons. and I sit back and thank God that He is the master and creator of all things-even my life. He can see the big picture..today, yesterday, tomorrow and 20 years down the road. He knows why things have happened, and why they will happen. Perhaps I may never fully understand His reasoning, but I can trust that it is perfect. So I am going to pick up the memories, tuck them back away, and move on. I’m going to let God teach me what He wants and accept His plan. Yeah, sometimes I don’t like it. Sometimes I am so confused I couldn’t tell you right from left..(wait, I can’t do that when I’m not confused:) anyways..you get my point.) But “God’s word is a light unto my feet, and a lamp unto my path.” And I will never have to walk in darkness.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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