Attitude Adjustment
I hate those two words..I usually associate them with words like heart issue. But lately, God has shown me that I need an attitude adjustment. As I have posted on before, we are reading through the book A Purpose Driven Life. And this past week, one of the chapters was entitled “What Matters Most”. The answer was relationships. And I agree..which is where my need for an attitude change comes in. Right now, more then anything, I want to get away. I’m sick of dealing with people, I’m sick of immature humans who won’t let things die, I’m sick of paying attention in my classes, I’m sick of people who think it is their places to point out every one of my faults, and I’m sick of people who seem to always be complaining about the school. (although, I’m not claiming to be perfect in any of those areas, or to be above doing those things..I know I’m not) But God brought a verse to my mind the past week-I think it’s in Matthew. But it says, “I tell you, if you hate your brother in your heart, you are committing murder towards him.” Talk about a powerful verse. Now, I don’t have this long list of people I hate, but sadly, there are a small few on that list-sometimes they come and go, and sometimes they stay on there for long times. It’s wrong. That’s the simplest way to put it. My attitude is wrong. If relationships and people are most important, I shouldn’t be sick of them. and I shouldn’t hate anyone. So now comes the attitude adjustment. I need to view people as humans to be loved..not people there to serve me, or to make my life all fine and dandy. Yeah..they can be extremely frustrating..and sometimes they seem to have this innate ability to push you to your last nerve. But Christ died for them too. And He endured far worse suffering then I ever have or will. One of my teachers prayed today that those who needed an attitude adjustment would do that..and I am one of those people. As hard as it is going to be, and as long as it might take..I am going to work at changing my attitude. I am going to work at loving everyone in my life. Like Proverbs says, “A Soft answer turns away wrath.” I’m so quick to bite back or get defensive..but that is not what the bible commands us to do. God tells us to turn the other cheek. So..I’m starting day one of my attitude adjustment plan. I don’t know where it’s going to go-but I know it’s the right thing to do and I know it is pleasing to my God.