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Once upon a time..

In a faraway land, there lived a beautiful princess…

blah blah blah..and they lived happily ever after.

So begins and ends every fairy tale. I loved these stories when I was younger, I always imagined myself as the beautiful princess, awaiting my knight in shining armor to come carry me away into the most beautiful sunset. At some point when I was younger, a lady came to speak at my old church on this very topic. Well, probably love. But I remember her talking about what happens after the ride into the sunset. My mom bought me her tapes, and she tells you the story of the life after the happily ever after. She tells you about the spider webs, and the cold water, and so on. All the things that make that fairy tale seem well..not so perfect. However, growing up I always held on to a dream that my knight in shining armor would come. Then junior high and now highschool rolled around. All my friends seemed to have found the love of their lives and I figured I must be able to find mine. Looking back, I didn’t..I just got myself in skin-deep relationships built on lust rather than love. So now, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, I am once again forced to look at my friends with their boyfriends, and wonder if maybe I made a mistake somewhere. But I haven’t, because I have already found my knight in shining armor. He is coming back on a white horse and will someday make me His bride. He has made me perfect in His sight, and is just waiting for the perfect time. I have fallen in love again, only this time I know He’s the right one. He’s written me 66 books of love letters and promised to fulfill every one of my desires. He has promised me peace and joy, and strength for times of struggle. Sadly, no earthly Mr.Right could ever match up to Him. But although my Savior will always be my first love, I hope somewhere out there, I have an earthly knight in shining armor waiting for me. I hope God is working in his heart so he will be able to one day take me for that perfect ride into the sunset. Until then, every Valentine’s day and love letter will be shared with my Heavenly Father.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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