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Something I noticed..

People aren’t very aware..and I am definately included in this. But as I’ve grown up and am now almost done with high school I have come to realize over and over how true it is. For the most part people are very wrapped up in themselves and not very focused on others. I have been studying Christ’s life with my SMITE group and let me tell you-He was a very other focused man. He could sense people’s needs and was available to meet every one. One of my favorite miracles of Jesus is when He heals the women with the bleeding disorder. She crawled into the crowd just to touch the hem of His cloak. And even though Christ was on the way to heal someone else-He stopped. He knew this lady needed what only He could offer. I am then jolted back to reality. How many times have I stopped to meet a need? How often am I aware of how my actions and words are affecting others? Do I ever think about those around me? Sadly, I think most of the time the answer is no. Someone told me one time, Amanda, you live in a bubble-you focus right ahead-and never look around to see the needs beside you. It wasn’t easy to hear, but man did they peg me good. I look at my friend’s-we have so much, but sometimes it’s frustrating..how much of an impact do we have on other’s? Sometimes I hear people talk about them..but it’s about how they feel intimidated or unequal next to them. I think sometimes it would be so simple to meet a need-God doesn’t often make us search high and low to find someone-he usually places them right in our path. The key is being attentive and watching-I bet that if we would all open our eyes we would find that there are needs all around us. there are people who would be so estatic to get a phone call or an e-mail. I learned from one of my camp counselors-sometimes the most encouraging things are the things that are the easist to do. Christ met needs-but He was always open, always available-He stopped on dusty roads to heal lepers, He turned in the middle of crowds to listen to the cry of a blind or a cripple-He wasn’t focused on himself or on where He was going..He was focused on others. I’m going to be a senior..well, you could say I am one..and I know I have a lot of learning to do in this area. I’m very goal driven and a lot of the time that means the people around me come closer to the bottom of my list. I am going to work on it-and I challenge you. Find one person each day you can be an encouragement to. You don’t have to go out of your way-God often places the opportunites right on our path. We just have to seize them. Follow Christ’s example and focus on others. Not the end, not the goal, not the event-but the people.

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea



    this is linz poth. i just wanted to say that ure post was so awesome. the story about Christ healing the woman w/ the bleeding disorder was our sunday school lesson last sunday! luv u!

  • Emily

    Man I loved that chapter in the book. I was just humbled by all that Jesus did in spite of everything. It's just amazing what he did for us. We got a perfect example to follow and I far from perfect!!!

  • Emily

    Oh when it is emily rausch it says emily and when it is emily wickert it says Emily. Mines not capitolized. Just wondering the difference and how you could tell.

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