
I Resolve.

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I Resolve…

It’s that time of year again..when we all make our lists of new year resolutions. Sadly, these tend to last until the middle of February and if we’re lucky maybe even March. So I decided this year to limit my resolutions to five..that way I should be able to tackle them all.

1. I resolve to spend more time with the Lord. I am going to work hard at giving Him first place and making time for Him in the morning and evening..even if that means less sleep, and my hair goes up in a ponytail some days.

2. I resolve to decide where I want to go to college. Although, I am trusting in the Lord, I am going to figure out what I want in a college and which ones fit that.

3. I resolve to make new friends and build stronger relationships with the old. This may mean spending less me time, and really taking an interest in those around me.

4. I resolve to spend less money on shoes and clothes. I have way too many, and could put my money to better use.

5. I resolve to enjoy my current job, but also find a new one. I want to work on witnessing more and showing people by my life that I have something different and truly worth having.

6. I resolve to build a stronger relationship with my brother and my family. I don’t have much time left, and I want to help them out the best I can. I also want to save my brother from some of the mistakes I have made, and show him how important the Lord is.

Ok..I know I made six, but with the Lord’s help, I should be able to accomplish all of them. Phil. 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me” What an awesome promise! Happy New Year!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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