
Life is Good

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Life is good..

You ever just sit back and think about how good life is? How sweet the mercy of God is? How awesome and amazing His love it? Tonight I served at the Christmas dinner for the staff at school and church, and I had a blast! I was reminded that the best things in life are the things we do to glorify and please God. No matter what it is.. I also realized that many ways God has chosen to bless me, and the many amazing people He has placed in my life. Exams are over..Christmas break is almost here. But as Mr. Grass reminded us today..it’s not about us and our time. That’s selfish and trust me..that will never make you happy! God is so good, and has lavishly bestowed blessings upon us! I am so thankful for Him and for my relationship with Him. I can’t tell you how many times I have messed up or how many times I will..but I do know that no matter what, He will forgive me. And like someone recently told me..God is interested in steps, not results! How awesome and full of hope that is..He doesn’t care if we ever fully arrive, because He knows we won’t..He just wants us to take steps. So needless to say, Life is great!

aspiring writer, mom to two sweet boys, lover of adventure, people, Jesus, and hot tea

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